Back In Action
12 August, 2007 - 4:19 p.m.

It took me all six weeks to get off my ass and start working out again. I had grand plans to do stuff while I was unable to run due to my ankle fracture, but I didn't do a darn thing, and I ate a bunch of crap to boot. I went and walked at the park about two and half weeks ago and got on the treadmill a couple times, but then I had both kids' birthdays and a house to clean, so I quit and didn't pick up again until this weekend. I've been a lazy butt, but that's over now.

Yesterday, I ran for the first time since my injury. It hurt, but it was tolerable, which is what the ortho doc told me I could do. I'll probably stick to the treadmill for a while, but I don't care, because I'm running again!

I'm back to being totally obsessed with fitness, just like I was when I got hurt, so that's good too. I'm a total Traineo addict and joined the Biggest Loser group there. It just started a new challenge, so I'm really motivated to do well. Of course, this always happens when I first start something, just like it does with everyone. I think I can keep up with it though. I was doing it before I was on the DL, and I'll do it again.

I had such a miserable time finding something to wear last night, that I just have to keep that in mind to keep going. Really though, that kind of thing only lasts so long. I'm realistic. Still, I was quite miserable and changed clothes four times!

I'm going to try to incorporate some of these tips to help. And I had my first dose of milk after weight training today, which according to this article will help a ton.

I've actually found a lot of men's articles much more informative than the women's ones. Kind of stupid. And irritating too. I won't go off on that rant right now though.

Time to go shopping for some better food!


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