Too Busy
20 September, 2001 - 6:51 p.m.

Too Busy

I didn't finish my counseling entry because a) it's hard for me to write about some of this stuff without feeling like I'm betraying some trust, and b) I've been busting my ass doing things. So when I figure out how to say what I want to say without fear of hurting feelings beyond what I'm comfortable doing, I'll continue that� possibly tonight. I'm mostly done with the things that were keeping me busy, though I still have to chauffer kids and husband this evening to and from each of their individual activities tonight. We need a second vehicle.

My schedule got loaded up first by having our house inspected today. After having the pest inspector come last Friday and seeing "14. cluttered condition" as one of the reasons certain areas of my house were inaccessible (you've seen my basement), I decided I can't bear having that happen again. I started yesterday afternoon, and I didn't stop until after midnight. John even helped clean some of his things. We took three boxes that nearly filled the back of the truck to Goodwill today, and we have a big box of trash waiting to go out next week. It's so big; it won't fit in the garage. I plan on writing a more detailed entry of the big basement cleanup tomorrow or next week. It's worth it and pictures. I got in on of those moods where I was so disgusted with stuff that I was throwing out things that were difficult for me to part with in the past. Yay me!

Wednesdays are always busy days for us anyway, so it made it hard to clean, but we did it. The kids were home from school this Wednesday, because their school lets them off for Open House, which I think is strange. I'm just not used to it. That is an impediment in itself, because my kids can't seem to leave me alone, and they were particularly annoying yesterday. Booie had dance class at 5:30 for an hour, and Hammy managed to talk me into letting him go to a church activity with his friend. I had to pick John up from the bus stop, pick Booie up, get some dinner, wolf it down, run up to the school for Open House, and be home on time for Hammy to return. Then it was clean, clean, clean until we were ready to pass out.

John stayed home from work today to help straighten up the upstairs with me and to be here when the inspector came. He also had plans to go to the studio to mix another two songs (the last two, I think) on the band's CD. As if there wasn't enough to do, he wedged in a trip to a store that deals in coin-operated games with the guy who sold us the Black Knight.

The house passed muster with only a few problems that we already knew. The fuse box needs changed out for a circuit box. That's the only necessity before the sale. The roof is old, and a retaining wall on the driveway is leaning, but we are getting a better deal on the house because of them. Otherwise, the house is in "very good shape" for its age as the Tim Robbins look-alike inspector said.

From there, we talked with the landlord who dropped by, gathered paperwork to be mailed to the mortgage company, and went out the door to drop off the junk to Goodwill and meet at the coin-op shop. John and I played a couple games of free Austin Powers pinball while we waited for his new buddy, after which we got to go in the back of the place where hundreds of old video games and pinball machines lay in various stages of decline. We learned tons of cool information from the guy that runs the place, which is the reason we ended up staying there far too long. We just couldn't stop talking pinball.

Finally we did and had to head back home instead of out to the studio, because the kids were getting off school soon. We grabbed a late lunch on the way back, wolfed down another meal, and went to pick up Booie who ended up going to a friend's house anyway. I whisked John up to the studio as fast as you can whisk a guy through almost-rush-hour traffic. Now we're home where Hammy can finish his homework before soccer practice and picking up Booie.

It's probable I'll have to make another trip to get John after I pick up Hammy from practice. He doubts he will be able to get a ride home, and since he's without a car up there, it's up to me to fetch him. But it's not over yet. He will head back to the studio after we get home, because it's unlikely he will be finished. I hate days like this.

I was supposed to run (the on two feet kind) today, but I'm too damned tired to do so right now, so I'm going to do it on my rest day tomorrow. I think the exercise will be a welcome relief after a day of non-stop running in the other sense. Now I'm going to have a little water and lie down for a bit before I have to get going again.

Today I got rid of:

Those three boxes of stuff to Goodwill
That gigantic box of trash
The big TV that's been broken for over a year
And quite a bit more!



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