About Me - 2003

It's about time for a new revised "About Me" page, so here goes...

Yes, I've been getting happy with the eyeliner lately.

The Basics

Name: Cindy, Cynthia on legal stuff, Cyn to many people I know

Age: 34

Marital Status: Married 9 1/2 years to John, husband #2

Kids: Beast 1 - 13 year old boy - Hammy

Beast 2 - 8 year old girl - Booie

Animals (not human): one brown husky named Kaya, and two vile cats named Asia and Biddy

Height: 5'5 1/2"

Weight: fat

Occupation: Besides myself, I'm supposed to work part-time as a physical therapy tech if the hospital where my boss went gets off their asses and hire me. Before that, I was a housewife for 8 years.

Other Unimportant Info

Read the old "About Me".


One Year Ago Today:


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