Would you like another?
25 April, 2001 - 1:15 p.m.

Would You Like Another?

How can someone not adopt that face?I only toyed with the idea of getting another dog until I saw Katrina. Oh� my� God. I want that dog! She's a black version of my Kaya. How absolutely adorable is she? I can just see she and Kaya playing together and running around the yard. Sheer cuteness, I tell you.

There are a million reasons why we can't get another dog, and I won't make the mistake of going against that. She and Kaya together would be adorable I know I would regret it if I did. I don't need that stress. I have enough going on right now and enough about to happen. I'll be smart for once and do what I know is right and not what my heart wants me to do. Katrina is far too cute not to find a home. She's probably already gone.

I also saw the Walk For the Animals is coming up at the end of May, and I won't be on vacation at that time. Whoopee! I did this back in Nebraska and never even knew they had it here. Maybe it's a new thing. If not, it was poorly advertised, but then advertising probably isn't exactly in the budget. I will definitely be walking. I want to do what I can to make Pittsburgh a no-kill city.

And another cause came up for me yet again today. I visited the Coalition on Donation's site and downloaded their family notification form and donor card. Those will certainly help me with this whole death issue I've been mulling over the past week. Organ donation has always been important to me, but now it's even more so as I still have a friend thanks to it. A woman was kind enough to donate the organs of her husband and the father of her children so that my friend and others could live. This friend went on to have a child whom she named after the donor and appreciates every single day of her life more than anyone I've ever known. Several people are still living now thanks to that woman.

Since I'm all about charity today, visit The Hunger Site and all its affiliates too. It's all good.



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