4 June, 2001 - 3:06 p.m.


My butt hurts. The seat on my bike has the exact ergonomics of a brick. I think it might just be a brick covered in black vinyl. It digs itself straight to my butt bones. I've spent a lot of time the past couple days lying on my belly. First purchase for bike: gel seat.

While lying around to relieve my aching ass, I installed RollerCoaster Tycoon on the laptop and proceeded to play it way too much. I should know better than to even start that stupid game. I don't get anything done. I must never allow myself to buy The Sims.

I wouldn't mind gardening today. I don't usually sit to do that, but it's chilly out. Crabby Cindy and cold don't go together. I just get crabbier. Sure, if I worked hard enough, I wouldn't be cold, but I'm too tired to be working hard. I stayed up too late last night playing RollerCoaster Tycoon. Stupid game.

That game is also to blame for John staying up even later than I, resulting in no sex for me. We have the game on both computers, and we were both playing at the same time, because we are total geeks. Now I'm a total, frustrated geek.

I hoped to get out today and buy a new bike seat and go on a beginner mountain biking trail ride. But Hammy's soccer game was canceled yesterday due to the field being underwater from all the rain we've had. Guess when they rescheduled it. Today. I just shouldn't plan anything.

I'm going to make my crabby self take a nap.



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