Phone Call Day
05 April, 2002 - 2:59 p.m.

Phone Call Day

I'm making phone calls. I'm getting phone calls. It's just been one of those phone kind of days. I've put off making a lot of calls, so I'm doing them all today, before the weekend hits. Other calls I have to make don't need to be made today, but once I get on a phone roll, I might as well go ahead and get everything done I can.

I'm overdue for both my annual GYN exam and regular physical. I'm also well overdue for a dental visit, since I haven't been in a little over a year now.

I guess no matter how nice and likable the dentist might be, I will still avoid her. I do need to go though, rather than putting it off until I develop another six cavities like last time. I don't think I have any of those, but I do have a wisdom tooth (one of the two I've ever had) peek through after waiting forever. It's not bothering me at all, except for the fact that it's hard to brush back there. That's especially difficult when the tooth hasn't come all the way through, and stuff gets stuck easily. I've been told my wisdom teeth will have to be pulled, since they are both on top, and once they appear will continue to descend and wreak all kinds of havoc in my mouth. I'm scared to death of getting those teeth removed though. I made the mistake of reading all kinds of horror stories about dry sockets and blood clots associated with wisdom tooth removal. Stupid. Like I need more reasons to avoid the dentist.

I'm a little overdue for both my exams as well. More dislike of anything "doctor" can explain those as well. I've been having an on-again, off-again relationship with a very bad headache for almost three weeks now. My ever-lurking problems with vertigo have also come back with a vengeance, almost causing me to fall over in the shower twice and sending me off kilter several other times, especially during yoga. Now there's a workout! Yoga while the room is spinning. It's like a carnival ride without paying the ridiculous prices for tickets. That's fine if I didn't have to leave the house or handle cutlery. I haven't driven in days, but I'm going to have to give in and take my dizzy medicine today, so I can take my poor daughter to the doctor again.

She's been to the doctor twice in three weeks already, and this will make three times in four weeks. She had a bladder infection first, and then the sore throat and a rash caused by the antibiotic she took for the infection. Now she seems to have another infection. When we went the first time, the doctor suspected something more than an infection, since Booie has been having trouble with daytime accidents, something a six-year-old girl should not be having. He wanted to do some x-rays then, but when the infection showed up, he decided to treat that and see what happens. Well, the infection went away, but the accidents haven't. I wash about twenty pair of underwear a week for that girl, because she has so many little bitty accidents. I feel so bad for her. The good thing is the accidents aren't so big that anyone notices, just enough to make her have to change her underwear.

Anyway, we're going back to the doctor again today, because she's complaining "her pee hurts" again. I know we're going to have to go through a few tests, including the one I had done at fifteen with the dye. Yuck! I don't even want to think about what a pain in the ass that will be to get her to drink that stuff. We had to threaten having a tube stuffed down her throat in the hospital to get her to drink the stuff she needed (but ended up didn't need) when she was in there. Better to know what's wrong though, if anything. I can say that for my daughter, but when it's me, well� I can deal with things, right?

My headache has subsided a bit this afternoon, and I'm hoping that will hold since I have somewhere to go tonight. I have a scrapbook thing I'm attending with the mother- and sister-in-law. MIL paid for it, and I managed to get a sitter, since John is playing out tonight, so I'm going. I'd really rather stay home, since my head is not so good, but I'm sure it will be fun� unless the headache gets worse.

The bad thing about this headache is no Advil, Tylenol, aspirin, or anything helps. They don't' even touch it. It just comes and goes as it pleases. No warning. No apparent cause. Nothing. It's a pain. In the head. (Ha! I kill me!) The only thing that keeps it from getting totally out of control is to stay very still. In that way, it's like a migraine, but it's not a migraine. I know migraines. Thank God it's not that bad!

Enough about headaches though. I still have a couple calls to make, and then I have to make myself look presentable to be seen outside my house. That might take a while.


Am I still doing this? Not today, I'm not!


One year ago
Cleaning Code - Cleaning the computer keyboard and talking about Anna Karenina.


One Year Ago Today:


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