Vote for Me
05 November, 2002 - 12:50 p.m.

Vote for Me

I tried to write about the latest developments in the job search all weekend and yesterday, but I couldn�t get past a couple paragraphs. My anxiety seems s to have stunted my thought process. Not that I could have posted anything all weekend anyway as my stupid ISP (that would be the increasingly shitty Adelphia) was down most of the weekend into Monday. So it turns out it wouldn�t have mattered much if I was able to connect two thoughts together.

I believe I left off after Wednesday�s interview, full of first-time jitters. It was the least desirable position to me, so I wasn�t too concerned at that point. Thursday�s interview turned out much better. I really liked the therapist with whom I�d be working, and even though the therapy would be limited to feet, ankles and maybe some hands, it seemed very interesting. The hours were good. The location was fantastic in that it�s practically on the campus where I plan to go to school. Liking the person who would be my boss is also a big plus. I left there worrying that I would have to decide between what sounded like a great position where I was interviewing the next day and that one.

Friday�s interview started off great. They were all really impressed that I got all dressed up in a suit (with a skirt even!) and said they should hire me on that point alone. I watched some of the other techs doing their job, and they all seemed very friendly. In fact, I felt like part of the gamg. They talked to me like I worked there, and that ended up being one of the things that made me uneasy. It wasn�t the fact they talked to me that way; it was what they told me. First, there was the complaining about a certain coworker who sounded like a complete incompetent, but nonetheless, it didn�t seem appropriate conversation in front of an applicant. Then when I was being shown around the place, a couple of the doctors were pointed out to me. One was described as being the best doctor on earth. The other was described as being a jerk. The jerk was revealed to be the director of the place, no less. And as if that�s not enough, I was told he�s a Scientologist. So though I would be learning lots of great skills, I have my reservations about the place. I was offered a job before I left. I told them I had other interviews and wanted to fulfill those obligations, so I have a week to give them my answer.

Now I want the Thursday job more than ever. I thought I�d have a difficult decision to make, but the decision was made for me. I just need a job offer to go with that decision. I did find out that she called my references Sunday night and made some positive-sounding comments. I have to give her a call today and let her know how interested I am. I don�t want to wait around for an offer that never comes and let the other job pass me by. I�m not against working at the jerk clinic if that�s what�s available to me. There were plenty of advantages to working there too. I don�t want both jobs passing me by because I didn�t follow up like I should.

I�m nervous about calling though. I don�t really know what to say, and I don�t want to be stumbling or quiet. I also don�t want to be pushy. This stuff is so stressful. Job-hunting sure sucks. I�m not going to let the usual excuses and stagnation get in my way this time. I�ll make the phone call.


One year ago


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