Suffering for the Greater Good
6 June, 2001 - 1:25 p.m.

Suffering for the Greater Good

I went and spent another wad of cash in relation to that bike today. I got a nice, cushy gel seat to relieve the agony of the "stone seat" as the guy at the bike shop referred to it. Problem is, the new seat weighs a ton. It's super thick and has a whole bunch of little springs under the gel pad and then another set of big springs below the seat. I'm thinking the thing is a good pound and a half of riding comfort, which might not seem like a lot, but will seem like a boulder when trying to lift and carry my bike during a race. So I might have to switch out the luxury sedan of seats for the cheap compact at race time. Hopefully by then I won't have the same amount of weight pressing down on the bones in my rear.

I have heard that as you become a better rider, the big cushion seat isn't as necessary. As I learn more about this whole business, I can probably find a nice hybrid seat that won't torture my ass and won't weigh a ton either. There is so much to learn, and I haven't really even tackled riding yet.

My other purchase was a new helmet. I bought a new helmet when I bought the bike, but I shouldn't have been so embarrassed by the size of my egg and bought the large. Instead I went with the medium that only fit when I set the adjustment at the maximum. It still wasn't terribly comfortable and left a mean red mark on my forehead after my first ride. Hammy needed a new helmet, so I gave it to him. He has a big melon head like me, so the medium fit him beautifully. I got a large this time, and I ended up with a better model - more ventilation and a nifty visor. The salesman told me this helmet is ponytail friendly too. The other most certainly was not.

I could drone on forever about this stuff, but I know it's really boring to anyone but me. I'm just fascinated by all of this. It's an exciting process for me. This is about the only source of excitement in my life. Sad, but true.

I was reading one of Pamie's forums where people were slamming their own sites. Of the sites I know, all the people slamming themselves were very good. I suppose that was kind of the point of it all, since they were showing whomever made the lame attempt to post an anonymous OLJ slam site how it's done. I started thinking, if I were to post a slam of my own journal, what would it be? But I ended up getting a little sad over the whole thing, because everything I was thinking was too true. I think I'm too sensitive. But really, what could sound more mundane than a thirty-two year old stay-at-home mother of two? It's all like: I vacuumed today. I'm fat. I'm a bad mother. Look at my dog. Ok, so there's more to me than that, but I'm not exactly star quality here either. I try to be as entertaining as I can with the material I have. There's not much more I can do.

I do appreciate the fact there's not a lot of upheaval in my life. I have it good, so if that means I have to be a little more creative in presenting the boring details, that's good for me too. Gosh, I'm lucky. Makes ya sick, doesn't it?

Workout of the day: (I almost forgot)

Strength training
(biking tomorrow instead of today... it's raining, and we have plans tonight)



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