Here It Comes Again
06 September, 2001 - 2:59 p.m.

Here It Comes Again

I have the best news ever! My period is early. So far, I don't seem to suffering as badly as last time, but I am very tired. I'm very glad this is a light week as far as training goes. I just hope this doesn't mean I'm going to be having this when I'm racing. I can't even imagine the woes of racing while menstruating. Surely other women have done it, but they might not be as productive as I.

Enough period talk though. I'm not having a bad time thus far, so I'm not going to dwell on a topic that makes people uncomfortable. Most don't really care anyway. Instead I'm going to talk about a much more interesting subject--my cat. But I probably shouldn't talk about him in the same entry as my feminine woes. I mean, who's going to want to read that when they click a link to read up on my Asia. It would be like reliving the nightmare even more often. So before I talk about my cat, I'll ramble a bit about this and that.

I'm considering starting up my "Things I Threw Out" list again. I really wanted to continue on my own without posting the list, but I haven't exactly done that. There are days when I throw out a whole bunch of stuff, but most of the time, I'm not doing a damn thing. No one ever held me accountable to my list, but I always felt guilty if I didn't put it up or put up some kind of excuse instead. There is nothing like guilt to motivate me to get things done. So maybe next week, I'll get that going again. I wouldn't want to start right now or anything, you know.

Pinball machine on the right; mess all overOne of the big motivators in doing that is the basement still being a pretty bad mess, and now we have a big pinball machine sitting in the middle of it. Luckily, we play enough pinball that stacking stuff on top of the machine is not an option, so it won't get worse because of the machine at least. I hope it gets better, as a matter of fact. I cannot even dream of allowing people into that basement to play pinball with the way it looks now. I can't say it's worse than ever, but it's worse than it was a month ago. Our friends and family already know we're slobs. They don't need to see this kind of proof.

I'm doing a laundry marathon today, so it's the perfect day to work on that mess. I was playing games of pinball in between loads, but I think my efforts would be better put toward cleaning. The futon really isn't that bad, and I could get it cleared off in fifteen minutes tops. That's what FlyLady recommends after all� fifteen minutes of decluttering a day. I can do that. I just haven't. Maybe I will start that list today after all.

So here's the deal� I will throw out (donate, trash, give away, whatever gets it out of the house) at least one thing a day. Just like before, I can't use stuff from one day to carry over to the next day. For example, if I throw out three things on Monday, I can't skip Tuesday and Wednesday because of it. Severe illness and not being in the house (all day, as in from waking to sleeping) are the only valid excuses for not getting rid of something. I'll take weekly pictures of my progress as an additional incentive. This means I'll be focusing on the basement only, but it needs it the most right now. If this works, I'll do the same thing for other areas of the house.

Forget the cat entry. Maybe tomorrow.



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