Does that make me a slob?
9 February, 2001 - 10:39 AM

Does that make me a slob?

I wear my slippers all day in the house. If I'm not wearing shoes, I'm wearing slippers. They keep my feet warm; they are comfortable; and they keep the floor a little bit cleaner because I'm not tracking my dirty shoes all over the house. I never even thought it might be a little strange until I answered the door in my big, fuzzy, pink slippers when the neighbor and her daughter came selling Girl Scout cookies. The neighbor seemed a little uncomfortable after noticing my pink feet, but I don't know. She always kind of seems like she doesn't know what to say to me anyway, so it could have just been that. But it did get me wondering.

What kind of person wears slippers all day long? It's not that I care, or that I'll change my ways, but I am curious what most people think about this. To me, it's kind of goofy-cool. If I went to someone's house, and the person came out with big, fuzzy slippers or any kind of fun slippers, I would think that person was pretty damn nifty (unlike the guy in the mall before Christmas wearing Tweety Bird slippers who just seemed strange). But sometimes I have a different outlook on things.

There's some kind of joke or game or whatever where you answer some questions, and it leads most people to answer the name a vegetable in the end with "carrot." I've done this a couple times, not remembering I'd done it before. Both times, I answered "rutabaga." I've never even eaten a rutabaga, but that's the first vegetable that popped into my head. See what I mean? I'm weird (but not quite a weird as Tweety Boy).

So I'm wondering if my rutabaga-thinking brain just doesn't get it when it comes to slipper-wearing. Am I projecting an image of laziness? It's not that it wouldn't be correct. I am lazy, but my slipper-wearing has nothing to do with that. Even though I'll continue to wear slippers at home, I feel a little more self-conscious about it.

Today I got rid of:

Shopping bag (I just can't seem to throw those things away)
Eight bottles of two year old beer



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