Pimping the Band
09 November, 2001 - 10:31 a.m.

Pimping the Band

My life in hell comes to fruition

Thought I've often talked about the band, I have never actually said who they are or what they played or anything like that. It always seemed like more information than I was willing to share along with my personal thoughts and feelings. Namely, to do so it's a stalker's dream. But since I rarely get email much less stalkers, and the band is having their CD release tonight, and I've suffered through countless lonely hours because of this endeavor, I felt a need to share. So�

John plays guitar (I have a habit of adding an L to guitar (did it again there), making it "guiltar"; I'll let you make your own conclusions there) in this band. And why don't I type their name out loud? (I know you can't type out loud; work with me) Well, there's that thing called Google, and people search for that name, including people in that band who I would rather not have reading. So just click the link. Please. John will be so happy to see their hit count increase.

I came up with the original design for their logo on the front page. My father-in-law, the design guru, jazzed it up a little bit by adding the neon glow and some other nice details. Later, I realized that star looks almost exactly like the one from the Houston Astros, but I swear I didn't steal the design, at least not consciously. I do love my baseball though. But not the Astros. (Go Cubs!)

Where was I? Oh yes, the band. There are sound clips available under Multimedia or CD, and if you like that, you help me get lucky (I don't really need help, but it sounded good) and buy one. In the Pittsburgh area? Well then you can just come right on out to the CD release party! And don't forget to say hello to me while you're there.

Now here's an easy thing you can do that doesn't involve money or getting off your sofa tonight. Go here and vote for their band. Do it daily if you're really feeling generous. It's my personal mission to make them #1 next month.

And that's about all the pimpage I can bear to do. I like the band; I really do. I can't say I love all their songs, because I really don't like sappy love songs (ok, I like a couple of them), but even those are played well. I really love some of their songs, and the kids and I find ourselves singing the damn things all day long sometimes. They surprise most people with how good they are. I was even shocked when I first heard them. The neighbor listens to their CD constantly while riding around in her car or at work. Before the CD, she had the sampler that she listened to all the time. They even got a nice mention in the local newspaper too. All this really says is I am proud of them.

Now wipe all those sentimental tears away and because here comes the bitching. The wives of this band, particularly those of us with children, have a lot invested in this CD. We endured lots of lonely hours, listened to our husbands whine and complain about band politics, and did the single parent thing way too many nights. There were times in the midst of it all when I wanted to pick up and move right back to Nebraska. There were times I really hated that band. There were times I nearly demanded John quit. But I stuck it out and kept my mouth shut more than I opened it. Now John has realized a dream. Was it worth it? Yes, but I also think it could have been done without such a heavy toll on our family. And that has nothing to do with hindsight being 20/20 and all that bullshit. It has to do with a dopey husband who doesn't listen and gets obsessive about his dreams. He's better now. The worst is over, and the band has a spiffy new CD to show for it. My name is even in the thing, even though I think what I did to get it there is far more trivial than the truckloads of crap I put up with during the process. But whatever. Seeing my name in print is satisfying to the ego. Kinda sucks for the other wives though.

Now I have to clean the house, so I can go to the release party tonight. I guess it's not like I have to clean it, but you remember the whole sitter/embarrassment factor. Once everyone realizes the musical genius of this band, I can hire people to do this for me. I promise I won't forget you when John becomes a big rock star and I'm living the rock star wife lifestyle. I also won't be holding my breath.

I just love that dog!

NaNoWriMo Update


This isn't where I'd like to be right now, but I've been doing research at the expense of word count. Just you wait until I tell you what that research is! It's oh-so-much fun! But that's for later.

Today I got rid of:

Even more kids' clothes that don't fit
A big ol' box of junk from Booie's room that I can't take a picture of because my stupid digital camera is still broken. Dammit.



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