Damn Uncooperative Weather
10 September, 2001 - 11:39 a.m.

Damn Uncooperative Weather

Yes, I did say I'd ride my bike every day but my rest days, but it rained today. It stopped by the time I took Booie to school, but it still looks threatening. It's also wet out there still, and I do not want to be riding on wet, muddy trails today. No, they will not dry out by this afternoon. The trails I ride usually stay wet for at least a day after a good rain. They will probably still be muddy tomorrow when I will go out no matter what.

Make you want to go mountain biking, doesn't it?I would even go out today if I weren't so banged up. My legs are feeling a bit tender today for obvious reasons that can be seen in that picture. I think they look much worse in person, so I have taken to wearing pants when I go out in public. I probably ought to wear some pants when we go to counseling tomorrow as well. I don't want to justify my activities. She doesn't strike me as an outdoorsy individual and probably wouldn't understand why I subject myself to such things. I look like I vacationed in Florida. Well, maybe it's not that bad.

I will still run today. My partner is back from her vacation that she kicked off by running a half marathon. What a trooper! Maybe we'll do the next Pittsburgh Marathon. I think that would be pretty cool. She might not be up for a run right after coming home from vacation on the shark-infested beaches of our eastern shore, especially since it's wet out. I'm going no matter what. I can't wimp out entirely because of mud.

I do plan on running trails today. I could run the track, but I think it will probably be as messy as running trails anyway. It's a converted horse track on a low field that gets quite wet after rain. Last time I ran it after a heavy rain in the morning, I had to jump over puddles in certain areas and go into the grass in another section. If I'm going to be doing that sort of thing, I may as well run trails and get in shape for that anyway rather than running a flat loop.

I was going to write some letters to the state Congressmen and Senators about Pennsylvania's Game Commission's plans to close down state land to mountain biking and horseback riding. Basically, that would leave those lands for hunting, which is a cash cow around here. The Game Commission doesn't really answer to anyone and gets to make its own rules. So far, it hasn't listened to the protests by equine clubs and biking groups. We don't draw enough money or interest, I guess. Plus, our aged politicians are more likely to hunt than to ride horses and especially bikes. I'm mad as hell about this, so I have to get those letters written in the next couple days before my dander gets smoothed over again. And if anyone else is interested in seeing what's up with our stupid state on this issue, you can visit the PA Trails site. I'll save my own long rant for my letter.

There come some more dark, nasty clouds. I suppose the weather is only going to get worse as race time draws nearer, so I better get used to it.

Today I got rid of:

8 bottles of emergency water (I forget to rotate my stock)
Plastic bucket
Can of paint that was here when we moved in
2 electrical cords for the dryer (each outlet where we lived has been different)
Penguins baby outfit (brand new, bought as a gift and never given, duh!)
Hammy's Jar-jar (retch) Binks watch with the face thankfully broken off
Piece of a toy
Messed up gift bag



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