To Be Normal
11 May, 2005 - 5:30 p.m.

It's been back to my loafing ways this week. Monday, I needed to rest, but since then, there's no excuse. I feel so out of it, and I know it's from sitting around all day. Maybe I should drag my ass up early and work out to reve me up and et my day going. I have to do something, because this is sucking. Not only because I feel blah from it and get nothing done, but from the guilt it generates. I feel guilty for not living up to what I want and knowing I let John down. He works his butt off while I lie around. Not a fair trade. And not good for any of us.

I'm not sure if he has band practice after Hammy's concert tonight. If so, I'll do some work then. More than I'd do with him here. I'll still do some work tonight.

I'm hot, and I don't want to get dressed. Just had a shower, and I'm lying here in my underwear, trying not to break out in a sweat. Clothes just aren't appealing right now. I wouldn't trade weather though. It's a beautiful day. If I didn't have to get dressed, I'd be perfect. So much for that though.

11:25 p.m. - When Planning Doesn't Matter

This evening ended up being so chock full of mostly running around that there was no work done. I got dressed and ready, John got home, we got dinner, Hammy and I wolfed down our food, I took Hammy to school (late) feeling sick from eating too fast, I picked up MIL, I picked up John and Booie, we all went to Hammy's concernt, we dropped off MIL with a stop by the gas station for her cigarettes (sigh), and finally went home. It was late, so John and I had to herd the kids to bed right away. After that, we plopped down and zipped through American Idol, complements of Tivo. Love, love, love the Tivo. It also provided us with an episode of Bullshit! about conspiracy theories that would have pissed me off more if I weren't so tired. Pissed at some of the conspiracy theorists, not the show. Watched a little news until I had my fill of sensationalized, irrelevant crap (about two minutes) and got ready for bed. Some neighbors may have been traumatized when I left the shade open while changing, becuase I chose the fan in the window continuin to cool off this oven over modesty. Environmental comfort trumps embarassment when it comes to sleep. I love the warmer weather. I hate being hot when I'm sleeping. Or trying to sleep, becuase I simply don't sleep when I'm hot. Unless I'm at my grandma's. I have no idea why.


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