The Neverending Summer
30 August, 2002 - 9:59 a.m.

The Neverending Summer

This is the second time in a row I am typing directly into the box for an entry. It seems if I type it in my usual way, I lack the motivation to transfer it over and all that other difficult and complicated stuff, meaning I'm being a complete lazy ass. Sad, I know, but that about describes me the past week.

I'm a bit down lately. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that I get the kids for another whole week. School was postponed because the school board didn't have the foresight to know that construction on the remodeling of two schools in the district would not be done. Construction is never done on time. Of course, I should have planned for that fact myself and known school would be delayed, but who really thinks that school would be dealyed all the way until the 9th? All the other parents in the country are free, and I'm still being interrupted every other minute with questions of what to do or what can they do along with the statement of how bored they are, usually accompanied by a big sigh. Other times they just mill around the house and let out the big sigh.

I thought about figuring something out to keep them busy, but I'm just as restless as they are. I can't seem to come up with anything. Maybe the summer doldrums are contagious. When I do come up with something, they either don't like it or do it and go right back to being bored again.

Even the beautiful weather we've had for almost a whole week doesn't seem to be enough to lure them out and do something. Hammy has been going out quite a bit with his other bored friends, but some of those "friends" are wretched beasts who cause trouble, so I have to keep checking on them. I can't get a thing done when one eye is constantly looking out the window. I'm not overreacting either. Yesterday, one of the little varmints stirred up a yellow jacket nest, and Hammy was stung.

It's pretty clear there isn't much for me to say. I already wrote about the excitement of the week when we went to the ER. Booie is pooping again. Thought you might like to know. If not, well... anyone who's been reading a while knows I talk about poop at least once a quarter.

Today I have an thrilling day of grocery shopping, phone calls, and cleaning. See how much you're missing when I don't write anything?


One year ago
Not Good Enough - "I think that because when I read through those winning entries, I know I'm not that good."


One Year Ago Today:


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