I need a little maintenance too
30 November, 2000 - 12:05 PM

I need a little maintenance too

Today, I vote for sleep. The kids went to school, so I had to get up, and now I think I know what it's like to be dead. I think I'm dead right now. Why the hell did I buy decaffeinated coffee last time?

I get to spend a lot of money today. That sounds like a lot of fun, but it's not. The truck needs its 60,000-mile tune-up. We've put it off for 7,000 miles to scrape up the extra cash. Car maintenance sucks. I know it doesn't suck when I'm not broken down and hoofing it to the nearest gas station that's sure to be twenty miles down the road, but it sucks to spend that much money in one pop.

When I made the appointment, the mechanic told me Toyota recommends a timing belt at this time too. That's another $300. I politely declined, using the holidays as my excuse. I hope it doesn't take 7,000 miles to save up enough to get that done. I don't even know if it's necessary, but our warranty is due to expire in a mere 3,000 miles, so I suppose I should do everything that's needed, or it will be sure to break down the very day after expiration.

I could sleep right here. I wouldn't even have to lay my head down.

We also need new tires for the truck. We bought new tires less than two years ago, but my husband is a computer geek who doesn't even know where to check the oil on a vehicle. Stupid me left it up to him to get the tires rotated, which he, of course, did not do. In Pittsburgh, tire rotation is necessary lest your front tires go bald from all the twisty-turny hills. We had the original tires on the truck until we moved here. I'm hoping we have enough to get tires this month too, considering the last time we took the truck in for its oil change, they told us new tires were in order.

I hate taking care of vehicle maintenance. It's not that I can't do it. I've done my own oil, brake and spark plug changes in previous vehicles. It's just I would like the option not to be the only one who gives a shit if the truck is in working order or not. I hate going in and being treated like the poor, ignorant wife who got stuck bringing the truck in. I always feel like they think we're such awful pigs that we don't deserve such a nice vehicle and will keep it, sending us home in a 1982 Corolla. I want to tell them that it's hard to keep up when you're the only person responsible for cleaning anything at all, from the truck to the house to the yard to the kids to myself. They would just have to take one look at me to know I'm really lagging behind.

I just really need to keep in mind they don't care. They have a job to do, and my vehicle is probably far from the worst they've seen. So I should just go take my shower, so I don't look like walking death even though that would be most true.

Today I got rid of:

Decorative Halloween pail that rusted



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