04 December, 2001 - 11:15 a.m.


Last night, we just finished watching Dungeons & Dragons because we're masochists. We were looking for something a little less punishing after that, so I scrolled through the channel menu, but unless we wanted to see the equally stellar Mazes & Monsters, there wasn't anything we could find that appealed to us. Our minds were probably just too numb from the previous affliction, so I turned the channel to some sorta educational thing about supermassive black holes. Then John said something that started me off thinking he was going to say he wanted to watch The Naked Chef, but a) he hates cooking shows, and b) I don't think he knows such a show exists. But it turned out that wasn't what he was going to say at all.

John: I want to watch Naked Wife.

Cindy: Naked Wife isn't on tonight.

John (laughing): I guess it was preempted.

Cindy: Yes, Menstrual Wife is on instead.

John laughs more.

Cindy: Naked Wife was on last night, but you didn't watch it.

John: That's because I was watching Sick Husband.

And so goes (or not) our sex life.

One of the things that I love about John is how I can make him laugh. Either he's just as stupid as I am, or I'm funnier with him since I'm more at ease, or he's just really nice. Whatever it is, I love it about him. It's nice to be able to make someone laugh, have someone think you're funny. It's even better that he can laugh when I'm turning him down for sex, though the "programming" might have had something to do with his good reception.

I just talked to him on the phone to let him know I was still home this morning. I was home yesterday, because my FIL was sick and only spent a short time in the office. Today though, I was running late, because I desperately needed a shower. But I was even later when I took the dog out before I was to leave and she made a break for it.

Kaiya is a husky. And since I'm on the subject of programming, huskies are programmed to run. Even though Kaiya's not a pure husky, she definitely has that characteristic. Sure, it would probably help if I would teach her come or take her to behavior classes, but I've been lazy and quit teaching her commands once she knew sit, stay and down. She's a good dog, so the behavior classes weren't a big priority, especially when I could spend that $50 on something else, like balls.

This morning, I regretted all that as I watched the white of her ass moving away from me. She headed straight for the arboretum, which is a nice acreage of wooded area only a couple blocks from our house. We've taken her on walks there (on a leash), and she loves every minute of it. She even scared off a buck once that got a little too close to Hammy for his liking. Of course, that's where she headed, because that would be the hardest place for me to catch her.

I tried to stay on the porch and get her to come to me right at first, but she was having none of that, and I could tell, so I grabbed her leash and followed her to her destination. I'd call her every so often and act really happy and playful, like there was much more fun to be had with me than with all the animals and scents and trees, but she wasn't buying it. She disappeared into the woods, and rather than chase her in there, I sat on the bench and called her every so often. Once in a while, I'd see her bound out of the trees, and I'd get my hopes up, but she's just turn around and head right back in. I didn't have a watch, so I had no idea the time that was passing.

It seemed like forever before she finally came trotting out toward me, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. It was about an hour. She sat down right away, and I hooked on her leash, but rather than getting up to go home, she lay down. I didn't want to punish her for coming to me, so I put on the happy voice again, and this time she listened. We slowly walked home. She is currently embedded in the carpet where I think she'll be sleeping until nightfall. God knows what kind of workout she had in the woods.

How would you like to tell your boss that story? I'm so glad this isn't a job I'm doing, or I would be so fired.

Today I got rid of:

One brown husky. Heh, but seriously, I haven't thrown anything away yet.

One year ago - Nothing more than a good story
How I almost died.


One Year Ago Today:


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