Crap Cakes
2 February, 2001 - 11:13 PM

Crap Cakes

I really, really like this Penstitching font, but the punctuation doesn't work quite right, and it doesn't have any numbers, and I don't have a font editor, and that just pisses me off to no end. Damn it, things should just work.

John changed our computer yesterday, and that did go surprisingly well, but it's never a seamless process. Usually much swearing is involved, and that was pleasingly absent this time, which meant everything was going fairly well. Still, when you change a motherboard and the computer case and a hard drive, there are bound to be some problems. There is no such thing as Plug and Play, contrary to what any of the boxes might say. I think the term was meant for people who buy whole systems that come already put together. We had one of those back when nobody knew what Gateway was and people really got a kick out of the cow print boxes. The case to that system still sits in our basement, covered in a hefty layer of dust and lots of clutter, because "we might need it someday. " I only see that day coming if we get a divorce and I take everything but that computer case. Since another divorce is not in my plans, I don't see it happening.

Speaking of clutter and things we have but don't need. I got back to cleaning out my clutter. Even though it was my first day without real help (Mom left yesterday. John was home all day, but that's not real help.), I figured the best way for me to get back in the swing of doing everything myself was to just jump right back into the old routine. I wasn't very successful though. I got rid of something, but I didn't get much else done today. I still need to run the dishwasher. That will get done today.

I'm pretty proud of myself for starting back to the decluttering already. I think it shows a level of commitment I didn't know I had. Or it might just be a level of disgust with what a horrible state my house is in and having my mom see it. My mom... a cleaning guru. She probably wonders where the hell I came from. If I didn't look exactly like her, I'm sure she would think I was switched at birth. If there was one way I could be more like her, it would be that sense of responsibility.

I keep thinking about getting back to training for the adventure race, but I haven't yet motivated myself to do it. I think I'm suffering a bit of a depression over having such an unavoidable wrench thrown into the cogs of my life. If I'm not careful, I will be surrendering the realization of my dream to an inability to climb back up on the horse. I started my training program over again and had a choice of resting or taking a fifteen minute easy walk today. Guess what I did. Yeah, I still have some climbing to do. Tomorrow I'm supposed to run/walk a mile. Seems the perfect time to start.

Today I got rid of:

Two empty boxes (at least it's something!)



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