Lack of Sleep Ramble
03 July, 2003 - 2:38 p.m.

I keep meaning to post pictures in my entries again, but I haven't been taking all that many pictures. Even so, that's not the real reason I'm not posting pictures. The real reason is because we switched to Windows XP, and I never reinstalled Photoshop. I tried once, but I couldn't find the discs, so I gave up. I just spent an hour looking for the first Harry Potter book to read to Booie. Do you really think I'll find even one Photoshop disc that is less than 1/10 the size of the first Harry Potter book? And that's just one disc. You know they aren't all together.

I could use another photo editor, but we never installed another one either, and I'm not sure if there's anything appropriate that comes with XP or Office or whatever else we have on here now. I wouldn't really want to use one of Microsoft's crap photo editors anyway. I was using Photoshop for God's sake. Why would I want to use some turd Microsoft popped out? It's a very real problem.

Then again, it's not so much a problem unless you're someone who likes looking at photos in journals, which is probably most everyone since this journal is void of worthy written material. My life is a drag because I don't have enough wild sex, I'm not butt poor, I have few drunken episodes, and my marriage started being all good.

Even the soap opera that is my in-laws has worn thin, because it's the same old thing day after day: FIL tries to milk MIL for all it's worth, and MIL tries to resist, getting a little further along each time. I don't know how I can still love a guy who's such a narcissitic asshole, but I do. And I don't know how I refrain from whacking MIL over the head every once in a while, so she can see what a narcissitic asshole he is at all times, not just when he's on the phone with his girlfriend.

Oh wait, I do have some news! I'm quitting my job. Yes, you heard it right. I'm quitting my job. I did just buy a new car all by myself, meaning I have sole responsibility for the payments, but I'm quitting my job anyway. Now that I've wrung every ounce of interest out of that, I'll explain fully. My boss is quitting. The orthopaedic surgeon who sent us most of our business went to another hospital system. She's going over there too, and I'm going with her. I'll be done with this job at the end of July, just in time for our camping vacation, and I'll start again September first. My boss is getting the details today as to how this transition will be made, and then I can turn in my resignation.

When I got back from Nebraska, I found out our receptionist applied for a leave of absence beginning September first. Then June announced her resignation and that I'll be going with her this past Monday. Yesterday, Kelly announced her own resignation. There will be one person left in the clinic by September, and I overheard him on the phone to a clinic in Buffalo, asking if they had any positions open. Everyone except me had been there for years too, so it's not like turnover was a common thing around there.

I'm a little nervous about the move, and I'm not all that excited about having to drive to the North Side, which means a longer commute and a trip through downtown. The alternative is even more grim with everyone leaving. I would either end up being the receptionist, or I would go to another facility and have my hours all goofed up. I'll have the same kind of week by moving with June. Also, I know and like June, whereas who knows what kind of assbag I might end up with if I stay with my current company. I want to make the change, but it's still cause for some nerves. And it's a good thing I bought my car now instead of later!

I do love my car quite a bit, by the way. As usual, I'm suffering some buyer's remorse and torturing myself further by reading reviews of some of the other cars we considered. I didn't even test drive the Sentra or the Corolla. I was wooed by the superior gas mileage and clean engine of the Civic. The tree-hugger in me took over, and now I kind of wish I had at least driven the other cars, even if Jeff, the salesman at the Toyota dealership, made my neck hairs stand on end. We did a lot of shopping and comparing. We just didn't do a lot of driving. I'll make a note to do that next time I think about getting a car. Might seem like a duh, but that's how I operate. I'm in a constant state of duh.

Despite the duh-ness, I'll have a happy time driving my new car around this weekend. Since we don't have any plans for the 4th, I can do lots of driving too. I'll be ignoring other things, like planting the poor flowers I bought before I went to Nebraska, but maybe I'll just buy some different ones when I'm out sniffing new car fumes.


One Year Ago Today:
Choosing a New Path


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