Going to Sleep
03 August, 2005 - 11:50 p.m.

I did end up feeling better. John and I talked, and he didn't lose it like he's been wont to do lately. We got some dinner, and then I cleaned and laundered some more. I'm so on top of laundry that I didn't even have full loads with some and had to hunt stuff down to fill them. It pains me to set the washer on medium or small. I always feel like I'm wasting tons of money doing that. But I'll wash almost everything with warm water. Go figure. We all have our quirks.

I forgot to put the hose away. I am not getting out of bed now to do it, even though it is so white trash to leave it out like that. I'm getting up fairly early, so I'll do it then.

Tomorrow will be another crazy-busy day. There will be painting, more cleaning, and some debt-enlarging shopping because we have less than no money until Friday, and I can't manage to do all the shopping on one day. I'll have all my last-minute cleaning and prep to do. I really shouldn't have done so much sitting on Monday and Tuesday.

I was so tired. though. Sunday night I just could not go to sleept. At all. I ended up getting up and reading on the couch. Just when I was starting to doze off, the newspaper guy threw the paper at the door so hard it caused a minor earthquake. I never came close to sleep again, but I was worthless all day. Monday night, I finally fell asleep after 4 AM, so technically Tuesday morning. Again, worthless. I know I saw a 3 in the hour area on the clock last night, and I almost overslept, waking up compliments of my clumsy, loud son. I was glad he made such a racket this time, since I had to get up and be carpool mom for band. Obviously, I wasn't worthless today either.

Tonight, I'm already pooped, and I doubt I'll have any problems falling asleep before 1 AM. Sometimes I seem to end up worthless after I finally get some decent sleep, but I can't tomorrow. I'll just have to force my zombie ass to do what needs done. John finally got me some regular coffee, so I can always rely on caffeine. I even used my coffee maker timer for the morning. Yay for planning!


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