Doomed to Tiredness
04 June, 2005 - 9:04 a.m.

Not only do I have to get up today to pick Booie up from a sleepover, but I also allowed Hammy to have a friend over for the night. I don't know that they slept at all. I was up a couple times after attempting sleept, telling Hammy to be quiet. His friend is quiet anyway, so he wasn't a problem staying up, but Hamm talks really loudly and tromps up and down the stairs like an elephant (or that foster dog, Maxine, we had). That now-deep voice of his travels well, and it's helped by the heat duct that overhead downstairs and delivers his loudness straight into our bedroom. And the tromping is just naturally loud and shakes out little house. I was still awake from it all at 3:30 a.m. Thank goodness only one of the four friends that were here for the evening was allowed to stay. I would have never slept if he had more friends to fuel him.

I'm deciding what to wear now. I haven't been liking my clothes, so it's hard to pick. I'm tired of what I have, and my selection is further limited by not doing laundry all week. Since I have to get Booie, I don't want to be a total slob. I really need to run into work too, so slobbery is completely out. I better just pick something, becuase I have to get ready too, and that might take a while.

Nothing is getting in the way of me sleeping in tomorrow.

1:41 p.m. - Worthless Weekends

It's bad enough when it's just the family on weekends. But when anyone else is here, I get nothing done. At. All. More nothing than usual. And this weekend, I'm running on empty, so it's even worse.


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