I Am Turtle
09 August, 2005 - 4:01 p.m.

Just finished my second day of treadmill commitment. I didn't try to read while walking today, and it was much easier. I don't know how people do that reading while on the treadmill thing, but I've seen quite a bit of it. I've even seen people read on an elliptical and a stairclimber. I won't even attempt that. I had enough trouble not falling over as it was. I think the only cardio equipment made for reading is the bike. Maybe other people read large print books. I could probably manage looking at pictures in a magazine to, except I don't care to do that. *sigh* My grand hopes of exercising while reading are foiled.

I watch very little TV over the summer, which is another of my poor excuses for not using the treadmill lately. I had been in the habit of watching evening television while on the tread though. And now that all shows are reruns or stupid, I'm not able to make myself exercise before sitting down to vege out. I have no excuse when watching races though. In four hours, you'd think I could get some tread time in, but I quit that too.

As usual, it really all comes down to me being lazy.

I so need a shower. I didn't sweat all that much today, but I'm still pretty grungy after yesterday and today. I just didn't want to shower before walking today though. That would make no sense at all.

I can't believe I"m yapping about when I should shower. On to much more interesting things.

I'm right on schedule to be totally behind and overwhelmed for this party on Saturday. I'm not so worried about Hammy's on Friday, because his friends have seen our house in partial dump status. Anyway, they're teenage boys, and messy houses don't register on their radar. And they don't talk to their parents anyway. So I'm OK for Friday, no matter what. But Saturday... it's not looking good.

What i have done is keep things fairly clean since Booie's party, so that's very good. I have a big list of things I'd like to have done, but unless my dream of a party fairy comes true, most won't happen. I'll be lucky to get done what I should get done, like cleaning the screened porch and all the outdoor furniture so people have somewhere to sit. Our little house just can't hold everyone inside. Unfortunately, it's looking to be kind of hot that day, but I have no control over that, even if I was organized.

The one big thing I want to have done is Booie's room. I told her we could get it done for the friend party, and when it wasn't, I promised it would be done for this one. I got the first coat of purple spots done today, and I think I'll get blue done too. I can get the second coat of each and the one coat of pink tomorrow. Too bad they aren't all like pink and need just one coat, but that might spoil me or something. The two walls of stripes should be much easier. I hope to do those Thursday and Friday.

Somewhere between all the painting, I'll get some other things done like shopping for food and cleaning that porch. I really hope everyone enjoys this.


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