Not Quite Normal Yet
10 August, 2001 - 10:37 a.m.

Not Quite Normal Yet

My parents and sister left this morning. I'm sad and relieved all at the same time. Life can begin taking on its normal course now, but I really like having them here. It seems kind of quiet here now.

Today I have to run all over the place getting ready for the family birthday party for our two kids tomorrow. I have groceries to get, cakes to make, presents to wrap, and a house to clean. I really feel like being a bum all day, but I can't do that. I would be glad for Sunday but for the fact my super-duper training schedule starts that day. I just can't buy a break.

I'm also tired as hell. John and I give up our bed while my parents are here, because it's the right thing to do and because I don't want them in our basement. I don't sleep very well on the futon, though it seems to help John. The pinched nerve in his shoulder cleared up since he's been sleeping there. I'm not so lucky. I get a bad night's sleep, which was made even worse when Booie wet her own makeshift bed last night at 4 AM. I could have slept until now if there weren't other things going on.

I'm using this as part of my break time too. I haven't written anything in days, and I miss it. It's hard to do when the computer is in the living room/dining room area where anyone can read over your shoulder. I really don't want that. I didn't write by hand either. It was too much work.

And speaking of journal, my dear son spilled the beans to my ex that I have a web page. I don't think he said "journal," but I can just see them searching all combinations of names and things to find it. Maybe one day they will, and I will deal with that then if it comes. I avoid saying things that might hurt Hammy if he were ever to read them, and that pretty much covers everything that might hurt them too. There's not that much I could say anyway. The ex and I get along better now than when we were married.

Hammy did ask why the ex and I didn't stay married. I gave the standard divorced mom answer, "We just didn't get along." I did explain to him that there were things that happened between us that made it hard for us to live together, but I said I didn't want to go into any details because it was over and didn't serve any purpose to stir up bad feelings. He's having some difficulty adjusting again, but I may go into more detail later. There are probably going to be a few long talks between us. I also suspect there will be some issues that he won't understand until adult hindsight clears his vision.

It's time I do my workout and run my errands and clean my house and do the long list of other things that need done. I think I could sit here all day and talk about my week and all the activity swirling around us now. That wouldn't do much to keep things flowing smoothly though.



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