Another Parenthood Struggle
11 January, 2001 - 11:07 AM

Another parenthood struggle

I didn't get to walk or run yesterday, unless you count carrying my daughter to and from the car and into the doctor's office up a flight of stairs. That was probably as much a workout as my scheduled fifteen minute walk would have been, but it doesn't keep me from feeling very guilty that I didn't walk, even though it was a walk fifteen minute or rest day. It's the first time I missed doing the walk. I probably needed the break. My shins are killing me, but I feel guilty nonetheless.

My little workout came when Booie took a turn for the worse yesterday afternoon. She started running a fever again and apparently has strep induced arthritis in her legs. She has a huge, swollen lymph node on her neck too. All that got me nervous, and I called the doctor's office and talked to a nurse who told me to bring her in. The doc looked her over and said the yes, she still has strep. We just need to continue with the antibiotics and Motrin, keep an eye on the node and bring her back on Friday if she is still running a fever. If she is, they would probably want to admit her in the hospital. That freaks me the hell out. So my baby girl better get well, because I don't think I can deal with her being in a hospital.

So far, it's not looking so good. I spent a wretched night, getting up every couple hours to attend to a whiny girl who couldn't sleep. The Motrin just wouldn't work hard enough to make her legs quit hurting, and it's next to impossible to sleep when you're in pain. I doctored her with ginger ale, cool washcloths, a heating pad and a little TV. You know your kid's sick when TV at 3 AM doesn't make her feel better. She's still achy, whiny, swollen and feverish. I hope she starts getting better soon. At least this is curable.

John stayed home today, since he too got very little sleep last night. Thankfully, that makes it very easy for me to get my run/walk in today. I have to go 1.5 miles. I'm running more each time. My shins feel less painful every time I go, but I still have areas on them that feel like I walked into a very low table. I would guess that will go away eventually.

The only other thing I have to do today is laundry. It's been a whole week, and with a family of four, that makes for a mountain range of laundry. And to think, I was caught up for once. Maybe I can talk John into helping me with that.

Today I got rid of:

Dammit, I was too busy dealing with my sick daughter to throw anything out!



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