True to Form
11 October, 2001 - 12:01 p.m.

True to Form

You will never guess what I'm doing today! That's right� getting everything ready to go to JournalCon! That's because I haven't done a damn thing all week to prepare. Why would I ever betray my perfect record of procrastination? Ok, so I have a good reason this time, but still. I could have been doing something. All right, well maybe not. My ankle is already swollen back up to its largest size again, and it hurts like hell, because I'm trying to get everything done today. Ack!

I came up with an idea only yesterday of things to hand out to people at JC. It doesn't look like it's going to get done quite the way I wanted it to get done, but we'll see. I haven't exactly started the process in motion yet, since I've been sulking from an argument between John and myself.

I started laundry too, and if I didn't hate it enough before, I hate it ten times more now when I have to go up and down one stupid stair at a time and drag the damn laundry basket behind me, because I can't carry it for the extra weight on my ankle. I seem a little crabby, no?

Even if you didn't want to know what else is wrong with me, I'm going to tell you, because I am crabby, dammit. Besides my elephant ankle, I have a sore shoulder from using crutches yesterday. The crutches help me get around faster, but I can't carry a damn thing with me, and now my shoulder hurts too. That was worth it. I had to get an x-ray yesterday, and it doesn't look like I broke anything, but the technician said the kind of sprain I have is probably worse than a break. Oh goodie! I won't be able to run for a couple more weeks. That sucks. I also have some of the nastiest bruises I've ever seen in my life. If they weren't in some of the strangest places ever (undersides of my arms from hanging on the military wall, inside of my thigh from God knows what, back of my calf), I'd look like an accident victim. My knee is sore too from falling on it when I twisted my ankle. I can't kneel on it, and it takes to hurting every once in a while for no good reason at all, just to make sure I don't forget it since the ankle is whining so much. I'm in great shape for meeting new people!

I think I need this trip. I need to get away from life for a couple days. It's too bad I can't leave my aches and bruises home too, but at least I can drink now. That should help with the soreness, and it will help with the nerves as well. No, I won't be a raving bitch this weekend. I'm a happy drunk. At least one thing about me is happy, right?

And since I am bitching right now, I just have to say my house is a big-ass mess. This always happens when I get sick or hurt, and it pisses me off. Doesn't anyone know how to pick up their own shit? I'm ready to grab a big box and just throw everything that's laying out on various flat surfaces into the box to sit on the curb for trash pickup. I did the fill-the-box method of cleaning everything off Booie's floor last week after several warnings that if she didn't clean her room, I would. She didn't, so I did. You know what? She doesn't miss any of it. In fact, I think she's rather relieved that she doesn't have to worry about it anymore and has a place to play now. Too much stuff. We have too much damn stuff, and no one but I know how to put anything away.

It sucks to have such a big accomplishment and then come back to such complete drudgery. No wonder people get depressed.

The good news is I'm going to have a great time this weekend! I can't wait to meet people. Hopefully none of them will be reading this and avoid me because of it. I'm just stressed out. Really, I am.

If I have a moment when I'm not having unbelievable amounts of fun, I'll update. Hopefully, I won't be back until Monday.

The things I throw out should return on Monday, barring further ankle swellage (that's not a word, is it?).

One year ago - Mistakes I've made


One Year Ago Today:


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