Friday at JournalCon
15 October, 2001 - 6:16 p.m.

Friday at JournalCon

I remember when it was easy for me to go into groups of people I didn't know and feel completely comfortable. Not so this weekend. I seem to have lost that knack. I'm not the wild extrovert I used to be (seriously). Combine that with being relatively new as far as journals go, and I felt a little overwhelmed at times. Don't get me wrong; I had fun too. More on that as I go along.

I met Ivee at the airport, and she is one of the sweetest people you would ever meet. Doogie showed up soon after, and we all headed to the hotel. I'm lucky I found them at all, considering I forgot to bring their flight information, descriptions, phone numbers, etc. I would probably still be lost somewhere in Chicago if it weren't for them too, because I didn't print out the information I needed to get myself from the airport to the hotel by way of the El. I was so prepared.

After check-in and the dumping of luggage, we went to the conference room where a few attendees were already gathered, most well known being Rob, Dana and the organizers, Jessamyn and Krystyn. We assembled nametags, made some introductions and talked. Talking is most of what happened until Plum came in and asked for Cindy. That gathering was probably when I was most at ease in a group the whole time I was there.

Plum and I went up to the room, so she could dump off her stuff. Don't let her fool you. She is very cool, and she looks fantastic! I am so glad she offered to be my roommate, because we got along well. I never felt out of place with her, even though it seemed like everyone knew whom she was. She was surprised to be so well known, but I wasn't.

Dinner wasn't long afterward, and we walked about a mile to get there. It's the most I walked since spraining my ankle. I was surprised at how well it held up to the walking I did all weekend. I was able to walk pretty well Friday morning, so crutches weren't even considered. Those would have made it impossible for me to do half the things I did this weekend. I was glad for the activity, but I did suffer some swelling and aching, especially Saturday night and last night.

I was able to meet almost everyone at dinner. I got to see Athena's wedding pictures, which were beautiful and so is she. I found another mountain biker when I met Heather of Plush Parsley, and we shared bruise and falling stories (ouch). A group shot was taken while at the restaurant where Rob managed to put his butt on me when bending over so he didn't block me with his tallness. I don't know whether to feel honored or if that branded me as a true assmonkey.

Though not the earliest to depart that night, Plum, Heather, Kerry and I left when the number of non-JournalCon members far outnumbered JC members. My tiredness far outweighed my desire to hang out some more too, because I'm not used to so much excitement in my boring life.

And since that covers Day One for the most part, I'm going to end here. I have to resume my old life of household slave and chauffer.

Today I got rid of:

Plastic grocery bag full of kids' clothes
(I had to run down and get rid of something just now)

One year ago - Another weakness of character


One Year Ago Today:


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