12 March, 2001 - 11:40 AM


What a weekend! Saturday was as busy as Sunday was lazy, and the first was the reason for the second. We woke up at 8:00 Saturday, and I told John we should get up then, because we had lots to do. Did we do it? No. We slept two more hours. So when we did get up, John had to run pick j up from his friend's house, and I had to dye my hair because I didn't get it done the day before. We managed to get ready and out of the house by noon to run to the mall and get a birthday gift for the party we needed to attend at 1:00. We were late, but John's family is used to that by now. We stayed there a couple hours before John started hounding me to go. We still had things to do, and he was correct that we had to go, but he gets so pushy when it's him that wants to leave.

Our next stop was home to let the dog out and pick her up. Then we had to go get video tapes and magnet sheets, then to another mall where I got something new to wear for the evening, because I'm a cow and didn't fit any of my cool clothes (like I have so many anyway). Back at home, I got ready and dubbed videos while John printed magnets and band schedules and set lists. Hammy even pitched in and changed CDs as they were being burned.

The sitter was supposed to come at six. She was as late as we were to the party, which is appropriate, considering it was her brother's party. It didn't matter anyway, because we weren't ready at six. John was just getting his shower then and was able to be out by the time she did arrive. Our house was a pigsty, because we didn't have time in the day to clean it up. I was embarrassed but too exited about getting out to care too much. John made me do his hair, since he claims inability to do it any other way than what he does each day for work. Then we packed up and left. It was after seven by then.

Luckily, we didn't need to be at the bar early. We were just going to eat and hang out, which we still had time to do when we did arrive. I had half a salad on my empty stomach then drank lots and lots the rest of the night. I regretted the salad choice later. Remember, bread, Cindy. I was able to meet the new guys and not feel like a complete loser. I also talked to my adventure race teammate who is still my teammate (yay!) and who will also serve as a personal trainer to me. I told him I was thinking about hiring one, and he said not to spend the money, since he pretty much does that for a living. He's a physical therapist. So I'm going to save a ton-o-cash, and I still have a teammate, and we'll be working together. Yippee! That alone made my night.

The rest of the night, I was drinking, working the video camera, drinking, dancing even though I said I wouldn't, drinking, yelling in my mother-in-law's ear, and drinking. I got right up in the drummer's face with the video camera at one point, risking life and limb because the bass player is an utter spaz on stage and even runs over his other band members. I managed to escape unscathed with some really fun footage for my brother-in-law's last night. On the last song, I made John feel all rock star when I hung on him like a groupie. I had a great time.

It was after two by the time they got packed up, and we headed over to my teammate's house for a little food and video viewing. I was a little too loud at that point and finally quieted down after I said something about a bone (we were eating wings). It wasn't funny, certainly not worth explaining. We left about 4:30 and got home at 5, where I barely got undressed to go to bed.

I had a miserable night's (or morning's as the case may be) sleep. I woke up several times, couldn't sleep well and had to nudge John several times to get him to do as he promised and get up with the kids and the dog. I ended up crawling out of bed at 9:30 to find my knees were killing me. I have one bad knee, and the other one is threatening to go bad. I don't think my joints appreciated my alcohol consumption and lack of sleep. I hobbled around and went out to get breakfast for our poor starving kids and sitter. One of the things that didn't get done earlier in the day was shopping for snacks and breakfast food. No, I didn't go grocery shopping Friday. Another long, boring story.

The rest of the day, I ate Advil and lay around. I really didn't sleep any, so I had no problem going to bed in the evening. I really need to get out more, so I don't overdo it so badly when I do get out. I had fun, but I don't know if it's worth it when I feel so shitty for a whole day afterward. I definitely regret staying out so late. We should have gone home right after the show was over. I could have used the extra crappy sleep. But I'm ok today, so it wasn't all bad.

The kids have a day off school today. Booie's got her first cold since being so sick, and she seems to be having a few symptoms of her condition. We were told that might happen when she gets sick now, but that it's not a sign she's relapsing. She's shaky, and her legs have been bothering her some. That might keep me from finally getting to the grocery store today. I'll have to go when John gets home and find something to keep me busy here. That might be difficult, what with all the laundry and dishes and junk lying about.



One Year Ago Today:


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