Fly Away
12 April, 2001 - 2:42 p.m.

Fly Away

In about three hours I'll be missing my doggie something fierce. I can't believe I'm putting her in a kennel. The place is great. I was referred by a couple people, and I know they really take care of the animals. It's a doggie day care and spa in addition to being a kennel, so they know all about pampering pets. Still, this is my dog we're talking about here, and nothing is too good for her. I really hope she does well and has fun but not so much that she doesn't want to come home.

Kaya is definitely not what I would call a loyal dog. She's an attention whore. Anyone who will give it to her is her best friend. And the few times she's gotten out the door, she runs like a greyhound chasing a bunny. She doesn't even look back when I call her name. I know she's a running breed of dog, but she could at least give me a glance as she high-tails it for the nearest neighbor dog. I told John yesterday that she probably wouldn't even come home if she were to run really far. Someone would find her and love her, and she wouldn't miss us an iota. She probably did that to her last owners, and that's why she was found as a stray in the first place. I don't doubt she loves us, but it's not a loyal kind of love. I don't know if we can ever train her not to run or to come when called. I've read it can be near impossible with some huskies.

So I've got myself in a tizzy over the dog, and of course there's the packing, and I'm in a general funk too. I didn't even shower yesterday. I know� gross, but that's how crummy I was feeling. Don't worry. I didn't exercise, so I wasn't a big stinkball, but still. I probably should have exercised to help lift my spirits. It's funny how the thing that is best for me is the one thing I avoid like the plague. I'm feeling a little better today, but I'm not completely funk-free. I did shower though, so don't fret too much.

I think I may have slept too much the past few days. I know it's hard to believe, me being the insomniac queen and all, but it's true. I need sleep, but I think six to seven hours is good for me, so when I get more, I feel all dopey and depressed. What's worse is you can't cure having too much sleep except by waking up early the next day. I was already awake all day long. What more could I do? So I just stewed in my melancholy and got up early this morning. The one day I have to sleep in, I have to get up early to cure my sleep overload. I will never get this sleep thing right, I swear.

I felt pretty good this morning, but rather than accomplish something productive, I goofed around on the laptop while lying in bed. I have it right next to the bed, so I can write in there, which makes it easy to goof off in there too. I could have read. I could have started laundry. I could have taken a shower right away, but instead I putzed around until Booie got up. I am such an accomplished loser that I can't even stand it sometimes.

I do think I'll get done with all the packing and chores in a respectable amount of time though. My living room looks much better already. It's taken much less time than I thought it would, and that does loads to make me feel better. It doesn't solve all the other factors causing my mood, but I'm not going to get into that now. Right now I just need a little caffeine, and I'll be ok.

About this time (Central, not really this time) tomorrow, we should be arriving in Kansas City. I hope this experience will be better than the last. We aren't flying out of KC this time though. Kay is picking us up, and my parents are taking us back. It was $50 less a ticket to do it that way, which more than pays for the trip, but they won't ask it anyway. Most everyone I know is all "I won't take that." I'm looking forward to trying out Midwest Express for the first time. I've heard great things about them, so I have a few expectations. They don't have a very high standard to beat. It will be good to be with a nice airline for the kids' first trip. I can't wait to see how they react.

I'm taking the laptop, so I may be able to get a couple updates in while I'm gone if my mom doesn't have us booked solid. I can get that PNC Park entry done on the plane at least. I'll have to remember to load the pictures first.

I'm still debating dragging along my skates. I worry they'll get lifted if I leave them in their own bag, and they are too big and bulky to pack in a suitcase, but it would be sheer bliss to have thirteen miles of paved, flat trail once again, if only for a couple days. Such crises.

And if that's not one of the most random, mindless entries I've ever written.



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