Busy Anniversary
12 June, 2001 - 10:07 a.m.

Busy Anniversary

Today is John and my seventh anniversary. We aren't doing anything special today. We plan on going out this weekend. I finally get to go to Ruth's Chris. That is our gift to each other, because we'll be spending enough money to eat there. It's fine with both of us. We don't need to shower one another with gifts.

It's really a good thing we aren't doing anything today. I'm going to counseling at noon for my individual session. I get to find out how goofy I really am. We were going to cancel our therapy for today but figured working on our marriage on our anniversary seemed rather appropriate. That's only one of many things on the agenda.

The day became rather packed as we drew closer to it. Right after counseling, I go to the dentist to finally get this filling I have redone. One of them fell out something like a month ago. I've been eating on the right side of my mouth to avoid the searing pain caused by anything, especially cold, that touches the gaping hole in my tooth. I'm just hoping I've been able to keep it clean enough that there won't be more drilling today.

After the dentist, I pick up my mother-in-law to go to Home Depot and get the gas grill they bought but couldn't bring home in a sedan. So we'll drive all the way out here and all the way back in town. At their house, I exchange the grill for some wicker furniture that is giving up its space on the deck. That means I get two chairs and a table to put out in the yard. They aren't real wicker but some plastic version of it. I have grand visions of my garden with a nice place to sit. Of course, there's not much of a garden quite yet, but I can dream.

Since I'll be right in town, I'll probably pick John up from work and head home. It's a mountain biking day for me, so I'll be doing that after dinner. Somewhere in there, I have to get to the grocery store and pick up the salmon I plan to have for dinner.

Once all is said and done, I'll kiss my honey and collapse. There won't be anything more than kissing, as my period is so timely. No surprise to me really. That seems to be the way things are today. Oh, and hot. It's hot and particularly humid in here already. Good thing I have so much to do, so I won't be home to endure it.



One Year Ago Today:


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