I wanted this, right?
13 June, 2001 - 10:23 a.m.

I wanted this, right?

It was I who bitched summer isn't here. Yes, I know. But at that time, I really thought my stupid air conditioner would be fixed! It's not. You don't know how happy I was not to have been home all day yesterday when I walked into the stuffiest house in the world last night. And yesterday, it was a little cloudy, so the house didn't get the full effect of the sun beating in the windows. Today, it's clear as a bell out there, except for the haze that decided to stick around for another day and make my life miserable. It was so humid yesterday my feet got too swollen up to put my shoes back on. I better get my shoes on now while I can and not take them off again.

We called the landlord again last night and left a message on the answering machine. We will call every damn day until he gets this stupid thing fixed. I don't like getting out of the shower and start sweating immediately. I don't like breaking out in such a sweat while putting on makeup that it makes the effort futile. It was 88 degrees in here when we left the house before noon yesterday. 88 degrees. I can't cook in this house for fear of sending the temperature into instant-heat-stroke. We certainly can't have anyone over to drink all this beer we have. John's dad would have to go back to the hospital just after looking at our house. I swear, it's emitting heat that causes water mirages like asphalt does. It was so hot in here yesterday, the basement didn't even stay cool. We cannot live like this. I rented a house with air conditioning, dammit.

Right now, it's still pretty comfortable in here. It's a tad humid, but I could tolerate this all day and wouldn't even think about turning on the AC. I'm even drinking some coffee. Later, the very thought of coffee will probably make me combust. It might be a good day to go to the park. That way, the dog can go with us and keep cooler too. First, I have to go pick up my purse from my father-in-law, because I'm an idiot and left it at their house last night. At least we have air conditioning in the truck.



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