A Futile Attempt
12 September, 2005 - 7:57 p.m.

I did not go to sleep, and I was up quite late. I still got up in the morning, but the day was not quite as productive as I hoped. I did make some phone calls, including the Red Cross, and I'm going to orientation tomorrow. They are having orientation daily this week. I looked into First Aid class, but I'm going to wait and see what more I know tomorrow before signing up, because I may have to take CPR over again since mine did not include AED. I could have taken a class with it, but I didn't. Oh well. I'll know a lot more about everything tomorrow.

I have things I still want to get done today, but I'm taking a little break. I'm kind of upset. John's been rather lifeless the past two or three days. That wasn't the issue a few minutes ago, just an observation. I don't expect him to be "on" all the time. I haven't been as expressive and joyful the past few days, and without that, I get nothing back. I just want him to take initiative on his own some too, keep things alive between us when I'm not on full. I'll bring it up later. We'll see what happens. No arguments though, just a little talking.

I did weigh myself again today. This one was for the record, and the official number has me up a half pound from last week, which is better than a pound and a half like yesterday. I proceeded to actually lose weight throughout the day. It almost makes me wich I would have waited, but that would just make next week that much harder. Plus I usually weigh in the morning, so I'll stick to that. I know a large amount of the loss today was water anyway. I sweat something fierce while working out today. It was unbelievable. I wasn't working that hard.

I have another day off tomorrow, about which I have mixed feelings. It will be good, since I'm going to be out a lot, but I worry it will make Wednesday harder. It was hard to get going today, though once I did, it was great. I was worn out from lack of sleep too, so I suppose today is not a good indicator. Still, I can't help seeing every day off as the start of another slump. I've done it so many times. I've also successfully taken days off too, so I should remember that. And I feel good about my dedication this time. I really want to do this.

I am impatient about results. Part of that is my tortoise-like nature. I never saw the dramatic losses other people did at Weight Watchers. I rarely lose more than a pound a week average. My progress is so slow, but it is steady. At least when I stick to things. I just wish I coud have major losses and a nice one or two month total. I watched a show today where a woman lost 28 pounds in eight weeks without a crazy diet. She worked out, including strength, and ate well. I get so jealous. Even now that I'm bigger, I still don't lose the big pounds. I'll take it slow and steady. Even though I know it's best, I still really want fast and dramatic.


One Year Ago Today:


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