Internet Withdrawal
12 December, 2000 - 11:24 AM

Internet Withdrawal

It was wicked windy last night. I woke up several times, thinking the window was just going to blow right in on me, frame and all. The dog couldn't sleep well either and kept walking around, checking all the windows. Seems we had 50 and 60 mph gusts. I'm not surprised.

I am surprised we still have power. We are usually the first to lose power when it comes to wind. It seems like you could just sneeze inside the house and knock the power out in our neighborhood. It's that finicky, or at least it was. The power didn't even flicker last night, so there were no flashing clocks to be reset. That is always good. I hate resetting all the clocks in the house. Many will flash for a while, not because I don't know how to set them, but because I'm lazy.

The news said 16,000 other customers in our area were without power from the wind. Several areas around us are without power, including one of the major streets in the area, but we are an oasis of electricity this time around. All that tree butchering in the fall by the power company must have done some good.

It didn't help our Internet connection though. When I was able to log on early this morning, I should have appreciated it while I could. Now, my trusty cable modem just blinks and blinks while it tries to connect. So I have to write and actually do things. It's not like I don't have anything to do, so it's probably best, but I didn't even get to check all my usual haunts. It's sad when everything I think to do needs our connection. Even some of the shopping I have to get done needs it. I really must do something about my dependence. I feel almost as bad as a cashier that doesn't know how to count back change. Ok, maybe not that bad. I might be dependent, but I'm not dumb.

Christmas hiatus for getting rid of stuff continues.



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