Sharing with the World
13 September, 2002 - 3:56 p.m.

Sharing with the World

It's 9 AM, and I feel like I need a nap already. I absolutely have to go to the gym today, and it is the furthest thing from my mind right now. I want to crawl back into my warm bed and build a nice cocoon for the winter. Of course, I'd be hot as hell by about 4 PM when it's supposed to warm up to 78, and the sun starts beating in the front windows, so maybe it's not time to cocoon just yet. But a nap certainly sounds inviting. I'm not going to do it though. I always ruin my sleep pattern when I nap, unless I'm sick or utterly sleep-deprived. I'm neither of those today, just lazy.

So I'm going to the gym today. On the way, I have to get a paper signed for Hammy's school saying he's been to the dentist in the past six months. I was supposed to have that done on the first day of school, but I forgot to take the form with me when we went in August. I did take it over there on Tuesday, but the office was closed. I didn't think that place ever closed but on Sunday, but I guess it closes on Tuesday too. I wasn't happy about that. I didn't go back. Now I have to get it done today and take it over to the school myself, because I was so late in getting it done. It's not like he hasn't been to the dentist. I just didn't get a dentist's dumb signature on a piece of paper.

I'm stopping for Dunkin Donuts coffee after the gym. I'll need something with which to console myself from all these terrible things that plague me today. I have such a rotten life.

Speaking of rotten, my beloved Huskers are playing the despicable Penn State this Saturday. I have put much effort into my hatred of Penn State ever since they wrongly won the National Championship in 1982. I can still picture that guy stepping something like a foot out of bounds and not getting called for it, so Penn State got a touchdown they shouldn't have had. There is nothing I like to see more than Nebraska running Penn State into the ground, but� (here's the rotten part) I'm already signed up to go to a stupid scrapbook workshop tomorrow night during the game. Somehow, I think most of the ladies there go to escape football-crazy husbands as much as to escape kids. Having an insane Nebraska fan screaming at the TV during a crop probably isn't their idea of a good time. John is going to tape the game for me, and I will have to be in media exile until I can see the game. It's going to be hard with all the Penn State crazies around here, but I'm determined. I sure hope Nebraska wins, or I will be highly pissed that I went to so much trouble.

Also on the agenda for Saturday, we are going to Apria where John is getting fitted for his sleep apnea machine. I'm pretty sure it's not called a sleep apnea machine, but that's what it is. He gets a mask and this machine that shoots air up his nose while he sleeps. He said the machine's humming would probably bother me as much as the snoring. Ha! Unless the machine simulates the erratic nature of snoring, rather than the pleasant, steady hum that I suspect it has, I will be just fine.

John decided to make this a family event, not because he needs moral support while getting fitted for his device, but because he wants to take us to the Iceoplex, which is nearby, to watch the Penguins practice. I thought that sounded interesting, plus we can eat lunch there, so if practice for the Penguins is as boring as practice for any sport, food can keep us happy.

2:52 PM

See how easily I get distracted? I meant to finish and post that entry before I even left this chair, but then I had to eat some breakfast, then clean some of the keys on the keyboard, then drain the pool some more, then get that dentist paper signed, then go to the gym. I didn't go to get coffee as planned, but I think I will still do that, just later. I have to run to the store later anyway, so I'll stop by then.

It looks like we won't be going on our little outing tomorrow. The person who will fit John for his mask will come here, since she lives nearby, saving us a trip out to Canonsburg, which is a healthy drive from here. That means we won't be seeing any Penguins practice either, and I'm just heartbroken over it, especially when John told me it is likely to be a madhouse at the Iceoplex, since it's the first weekend to watch practice. We will just have to go have lunch somewhere else. Boo. Hoo.

While at the gym, I released my very first book through I don't know if the gym is such a great place to release a book and hope someone picks it up, reads it or not, and passes it on while leaving a note at the site, but it's worth a try. The odds don't look good for most books that get sent "into the wild," so I'm not getting my hopes up that I'll hear anything about this one, but it's still a wee bit exciting. It would sure be cool to have someone pick it up and leave a note.

Next up for release is Barrel Fever by David Sedaris, so if you're looking to read this book and are in my vicinity, keep an eye out. I already have it registered and ready to go. I'll be keeping it in the car, so if I find a good place to drop it off, I'll have it with me.

I have lots of books that I plan on releasing. I'm never going to read them again, so why not put them out there for others. Even if they don't leave a message, I'm sure people will get some use out of them. It's better than sitting in boxes in my basement, which is what most of my books are doing, since I never unpacked them after we moved. Yeah, that's four years.

Thanks to Garbonzobean for linking to this very cool site! (You got referral credit from me.)

Speaking of all these books, I really need a new read. I tried to start reading Sun-Tzu: The Art of Warfare, but being more pacifistic in nature, this book is not very appealing to me. Not being one to reside in ignorance though, I thought it might be good to educate myself. Maybe it's that my attention span has been so unreasonable short, or maybe this really isn't something worth my time. I'll give it a little while longer, but I still want something else. I'm usually a very fast reader, but I plod through this like a worn-down horse. Anyone have a good mystery or thriller-type book to recommend? I haven't read one of those in a while, and I love to figure things out. I'll probably break down and go to the bookstore this weekend. Maybe I'll just pick something up when I'm out at the store tonight. I'm sure to find something interesting. Too bad there weren't any BookCrossing releases near me.

Now it is time for a shower. I'm still sticky and gross from the gym.


One year ago
Take Comfort - "The animals need their routine. We need our routine. It's time to get back to my own, small life."


One Year Ago Today:


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