Take Comfort
13 September, 2001 - 11:20 a.m.

Take Comfort

Today I told myself to start getting back to normal. I've been a zombie for two days. I keep checking the news just to see if some miracle occurred, but the same sad faces keep looking back at me. If I don't get out of this mire now, I won't come out for a long time. I can't create a negative situation for my own family just because it seems insignificant compared to the tragedy that struck our nation. I have to move on.

I've been fighting a cold since Saturday. I have been coughing some. Yesterday I had a sore throat. Today my nose waffles between being stuffed up and being clear. I'm the kind of tired you feel with you get sick. I know this worry and sadness isn't helping me get better either. So today I'm taking care of myself. I can't take care of all the other people out there that are hurting, but I can take care of my family and me.

I got dressed today in regular clothes rather than workout wear or something similar. I brushed my hair and put on makeup. I ate some breakfast, packed Booie's lunch, got the kids to school, took the dog out and talked to John at work. I went through my usual scan of web sites and checked my email. I made some of the best chicken noodle soup to ever come out of a box. I'm not avoiding news, but I'm not leaving the TV on all day long either.

Today I'm getting back to my training. I might not go all out, considering I'm not feeling all that well, but I will do it. I'm going to do the laundry. Now that the fearful stocking of pantries is over, I'm going to the grocery store. I'll fill my gas tank too. I'll start getting rid of things again and work on cleaning out my basement. I'll vacuum my floor. I'll make dinner. I'll take Hammy to soccer practice. I'll get back to my normal routine, even though life might not feel normal. It may never be the same normal that it was before, but it will be normal again.

I found myself very glad to be a pet owner during this event. My pets didn't know what happened. They didn't think it was ok not to get their dinners because I was sad. They were there for me while I cried, but they weren't going to let that sadness keep me from them. Kaya still wanted walked and her evening game of fetch and play. Asia still wanted his late afternoon pet and purr session. They made me take my mind off the greatness of what was happening and focus on them. They reminded me they still needed love and caring. I knew pets could help people heal, not only from hearing the research but seeing it when Booie came home from the hospital. I guess I'd forgotten that until Kaya came up and leaned on me while I cried watching the first tower fall.

The animals need their routine. We need our routine. It's time to get back to my own, small life.



One Year Ago Today:


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