I worry too much
14 November, 2000 - 10:59 AM

Back from back therapy

Physical therapy isn't bad at all. In fact, it's pretty damn easy. In fact, I don't feel a whole lot of need to be doing this three times a week for the next three weeks. I really hope I won't be doing these same four exercises each time I go. It doesn't seem worth it to charge my insurance company for something I can manage to do at home on my own, and will be doing at home on my own twice every day. Hopefully, I will move on to more exercises as things get better.

The therapist asked if I do any other activities. In my guilt, I lied and told him I've been keeping up with my Tae-Bo and yoga and dog walking. Yes, I feel bad about it. It's been a couple weeks since I've done any of those except walk my own dog. I haven't even done much of that lately, since I've managed to get Hammy to do it for me the past few days.

I'm paying the price for my slothfulness. I'm expanding. Pretty soon, even the government won't call me just overweight. They will say I'm obese, and I can't have that. It might be a government standard, but we all have our own motivation. This is mine. I will not have the government call me obese. In fact, I would really like to get in the normal category as far is it's concerned. Normal can be a good thing.

The Online Journal

I am so self-conscious about that thing. I'm all worried my page won't come up right or that people won't like it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just putting myself out there for more people to see how stupid and un-funny I am. I was so worried about not having anyone visit my page that I wouldn't put a counter on it. I finally changed that. The visitors I have had are all silent. This is probably good for me, but it's a whole lot harder than I imagined. I really didn't think I'd care as much as I do.

Today I'm asking myself�

Am I ever going to quit eating so much junk?

When will I ever start exercising and keep doing it?

Should I shampoo my carpet today?

Why can't we have disposable clothing?

Would it be so bad to hire a maid, even though I stay at home?

What am I making for dinner? Why can't dinner just make itself?

What is up with this cold?

And� as always� why am I doing this?



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