16 May, 2001 - 1:14 p.m.


Booie caught a cold, and now I'm coming down with it. She feels really miserable. I feel only slightly miserable. I have a million things to do, and I don't need this. Don't the germs know that?

We didn't even go to the baseball game yesterday, and it was still the busiest day ever. It went something like this: counseling, pick Booie up from school, take John to work, go home for lunch, get Boo ready for dance school, take Boo to dance school, leave early because Boo isn't feeling well, go home, call doctor, wait for Hammy to come home, go to doctor, go to store to get medicine, go to other store to get food, pick up John at T station, get dinner, go home where get a call asking to come in early for hair cut, ok, leave for hair cut, get hair cut and styled in a beautiful way will never be able to replicate, run to ATM because forgot money to pay stylist, curse self for being an airhead, hear Penguins score third goal on radio, go pay stylist, go home, eat, watch rest of Penguin game (they won!), unpack bags from store, relocate sick Booie into bed, take bath to warm up, collapse.

Read that list really quickly, and that's about how it felt to me.

I had a 100% rotten night's sleep last night and woke up at 6AM. I tried to sleep more and got a few quick winks but nothing satisfying. Booie stayed home from school, still feeling cranky and sick. I feel stuffy and tired. It looks like today's errands will have to be postponed until tomorrow. At least I can get laundry and packing done. All this work for what looks to be a chilly week on the beach. Meanwhile, it's 90 in Nebraska. How am I to wear all my cute sleeveless tops if it's going to be cool on my vacation? Better pack some pants, I suppose.



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