Shouldn't Be Here
16 July, 2001 - 1:28 a.m.

Shouldn't Be Here

I should be sleeping now. I have an alarm set for 6 AM. That's less than six hours away, and I'm not sleeping. Driving the full 1000 miles tomorrow is almost certainly out of the question, unless I get a strange burst of energy. I don't see that happening. I hate to spend the money for a room, but I doubt I'll have a choice. That's also one more night away from John. I hate spending a night in a hotel as the only adult too. There are so many reasons I don't want to have to stop until I hit my own doorstep, but they will all be outweighed if I get tired. I won't risk an accident just to try to get home in one day.

It's been a stressful day for me, so I've needed a little more time to wind down than a normal day. We had a houseful of people, lots of them being small children, and I'm not used to that. I'm also not used to leaving my son for two weeks. There were lots of goodbyes today, and that's never fun. And then there was a little laundry and packing, and that's always one of my biggest thrills in life. I didn't work out because I didn't get up in time to do so either. On top of being stressed, I feel guilty too. At least I feel like John misses me now though. I solved that part of my emotional brew.

I decided I'm taking I-80 home this time. I drove out taking a more southerly route, because it's a nicer drive, but it's also a longer drive. I'm looking to save time on the way back, so I have to go through Chicago. I always hate going through Chicago, but that route always saves me about an hour of driving time, even after sitting in traffic in and around Chicago for nearly an hour every time I go that way. If I were ever able to get through that town without sitting in traffic so long, I would save a whole lot of time. That would cut my drive down to fifteen hours at most. Unless I plan on going through there in the middle of the night though, I don't see it happening.

Well, it seems this writing did help me calm down. The kink in my neck doesn't feel any better, but I am feeling a bit sleepy now, so I best finish and catch some Zs. Every bit of sleep means a better drive.



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