17 June, 2001 - 11:13 p.m.


What a crazy weekend. My emotions have been all over the place. We've been running around. Seems we packed a whole lot of life in the past few days. I came out alive and well and happy too.

After I resolved to stop being a loser on Friday, I got some things done, then we went to a very nice jazz concert at the park with Joe Negri (Mr. Handyman on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood), who is a wonderful guitartist, and Freddie Cole, Nat King Cole's son. I managed to get my running in and only missed about ten minutes of the show. Even the kids enjoyed the music. It was a very nice end to what I could have made a rotten day.

Saturday found me getting up to cooler temperatures and what I thought were welcome clouds. I loaded my bike in the car for a ride, followed by a run. I took a new trail in the park as a light shower began. I figured it would be good for me, but as I went up the too-steep dirt road and had to stop every ten feet "good for me" was not coming to mind. "I suck," was my thought, but I carried on, even as the light shower turned to a heavy downpour. I watched another guy decked out in full bike gear make his way up the hill without batting an eyelash while I was stopped for about the millionth time. Yay me.

I finally made it up the hill and went on to slog around a picnic area until I thought I'd gone long enough to fulfil a thirty minute ride by the time I went downhill to the car. It was on that ride back lightening first appeared in a wicked streak overhead that struck a tree about 500 yards away and made my ears ring. I believe I said, "Jesus," and it probably was him throwing a little warning at my heathen ass.

As much as I wanted to fly down the hill and get the hell out of there, I'm still a novice wimp on the bike, not to mention the mud and water flying every which way even at a slow pace. I really didn't need to wipe out then get struck by lightening to boot, so I was careful. I learned my disc brakes like to sing in the rain. It was such a high-pitched squeal, I opted for the less reliable back brakes, so the whole world wouldn't hear my weenie brake-riding descent, as if any sane person was out in the thunderstorm. I made it through the muck onto pavement and back to my truck, which was all by its lonesome at that time. I was covered in mud and dripping wet. My bike was mud-caked too (did I mention I never got a picture of it?), but that didn't stop me from putting both of us right in the truck and going home. Rain and mud I can handle. Lightening: not cool. So there was no run for me. We had the rest of the day booked.

The afternoon was spent at a family birthday, and the evening was out late anniversary date. Neither of us felt like dressing up and going to Ruth's Chris, so we rain-checked that plan. John wanted to see The Clarks play, so after a catnap together on the couch, I agreed if I got ice cream first. The ice cream made us about ten minutes late, but we still got a spot with a view. I don't know if it was more fun watching the band or the crowd with many people body-surfing and getting dropped.

After the concert, we planned to eat dinner but couldn't agree on a place and got in a massive argument that had me crying in the truck. Happy Anniversary. By the time we got that worked out, it was time to go home, so we had to raincheck the dinner altogether. The night wasn't all bad though. One kid ended up spending the night with Grandma, so the late sleeper came home with us.

We all slept until 11:00 today, so things were definitely looking up. We did some shopping then went on to the inlaws who invited us for dinner. After eating a great meal, especially since it wasn't made by me, we came home, so I could go ride again. I tackled the same route, which was much easier when it isn't raining, but I still sucked. Even the deer looked at me like I sucked, but I'll get better. I came home and did Tae-bo, completing my assignment for the day. John happily sat on his ass and played RollerCoaster Tycoon the whole time I worked out and then some. It is Father's Day, so I just let him do his thing. I'm not entirely evil.

The away child is with his aunt and uncle tonight, so we never saw him all day. I don't think I better sleep in again though. I want to get things done tomorrow before the house heats up. The forecast doesn't look too bad, but everyone knows how realiable that is. The landlord is coming over to dig up the electrical line that needs changed, so I need to get my flowers moved before then. I'd like to think the AC will get fixed this week, but I'm not going to be too hopeful anymore. At least something is being done. And I'm doing much better and getting things done myself.



One Year Ago Today:


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