Another Day Closer
17 September, 2001 - 4:02 p.m.

Another Day Closer

I put it off until the last possible minute without having to do it this evening after John got home, but I got it done. I ran the full 55 minutes assigned today. I have strength training yet to do, because I put off the running too long to get that done before I had to be home for the kids. I'll get that done too though. Why ruin a good thing going?

I don't even have a clue how far I went. That's the problem with running trails. They aren't marked, and I can't keep a steady enough pace to know how fast I'm going to judge by that. If I'm on the track, I can give a pretty good guess as to how far I went just by the amount of time it takes. Of course, I also know the distance of the track, but I didn't at one time. I figured it out by the time. But when I'm going up and down hills and all over the place, I haven't a clue. I'm guessing maybe five miles. I think that would be pretty good considering the hills and all. Who knows? I may have gone six miles. Wouldn't that be cool?

I wore the free Primal Quest t-shirt I got. I haven't worn it since I got it weeks ago because I was always worried people would judge me. Typical Cindy. I figured I don't care any more. They can think what they want. They will anyway. If they think it's a big joke that I'm wearing an adventure race t-shirt, screw 'em. One day I might actually be in that race, and as soon as I'm done torturing myself through the 300-400 mile course and able, I'll be laughing� laughing because I would be so thrilled to have done it. I'll get there one day. Just watch me.

I did start weighing myself again. As long as I wasn't weighing myself I didn't lose a pound. I was so scared to start, because I obsessed over it before. I also didn't want to face the number where my weight climbed, but I had to do it in the doctor's office, and that was enough to make me quit climbing. Still, I didn't start losing either. I thought if I didn't get on the scale, I wouldn't worry about the weight so much and do what I needed to do. Well, that didn't happen. I got on the horrible thing a few weeks ago, and I've been weighing myself once a week ever since.

The good news is the first time I stepped on the scale, I had lost eight pounds since that dreadful visit to the doctor's office. I still wasn't happy with the number, but I'm not as concerned about it as I was either. Since the first weigh-in, I've lost another four pounds with three of those gone this week. Nothing like losing all the PMS bloat to make the scale go down. Losing weight will be very beneficial during bike rides, especially up those killer hills.

I'm obviously happy with the results on the scale, but I'm happier with the loss of size. I'm losing that fireplug figure and trimming down. My pants aren't cutting me in two at the waist if I sit too long, and some are even getting a little loose. I think I'm looking better too. The muscle I've been building is starting to show up now that the fat is finally coming off.

Now if I could just get my diet in order. I'm not eating as much as I was. I'm also not eating near as much junk. That's because I'm just not eating sometimes. I'm not eating well at all when I do eat. Vegetables are negligible, and that's really got to change. I just have to change my whole diet in general. I'm sure my training suffers for it. So after I shower here, I'm headed to the grocery store to get some good food.

Today I got rid of:

Packet of Irish Creme coffee
(Yes, that's it. All days can't be great.)



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