The Handyman(?) of the House
19 April, 2002 - 4:19 p.m.

The Handyman(?) of the House

I was doing so well at writing more regularly last week. Then this week, I started off with my vertigo problem, and I couldn't really stand to be at the computer for any length of time, much less get to the computer without wishing we had railings on our walls. The first part of this week was wasted because of that. It was either be dizzy or take the medicine that knocks me out. Either way, I was useless.

So when I felt better, I started doing all kinds of things. I had a burst of energy, and I decided to do some work on the outside of the house that needed done. I was inspired when I went to Home Depot on the weekend, and I wanted to replace some of the torn screens we had and refinish the iron railing on our front porch. I spent much time at home stores that last couple days. All I have to show for it is two replaced screens out of four and a partially stripped front railing.

I have done some other things though. I cleaned up the whole back yard, weeded two flowerbeds which filled two kitchen garbage bags, and mowed the yard as a trade with John who said he would do the dishes (they still aren't done).

The enclosed patio screen took ten times longer than I thought it would. First I had the wrong spline. Then I did all the work to remove the screen only to find all that screw removal was a waste of time, because the thing was riveted in. Rivets! Why bother putting screws in the thing if you're going to rivet it? So I had to try to install the screen in the frame as it was, and I still don't have the top of it done, because it took me a half hour to do six inches, and I have three gouges in my hand from the metal roof that hangs over the top of that frame. It's holding just fine. I'll work on that top section when I feel like inflicting pain on myself again.

The porch railing was another disaster. First I got paint removing sandpaper. It removed some paint, but not all, and I really need all the paint removed. The rail is rusting, and I have to get the rust-preventing primer on it. I went back to the home store and got the spline I needed for the screen and some wire brushes to attach to my drill for the rail. The guy in the store who advised me on the wire brushes tried to convince me I needed some special high-powered rotary tool to do the job and that my drill didn't have enough power. I finally got tired of his condescending tone and told him the neighbor did it that way (which he did), and that's what I wanted. The brushes worked quite well with the drill, getting all the paint and most of the rust off the section of railing I did. That's when another neighbor came over and said to go get some paint stripper. They did their railing last year, and that's what they used. It took a lot less time that manually stripping the rail and got all the paint off. So I put down the drill and decided to go get some stripper, but that will have to wait until later.

There are two screens in the porch screen door that didn't get done either, and they will have to wait too. Wasp, flies, bumblebees and every other insect (sometimes birds too) are getting on the porch, but I have other things that need done by tomorrow, so I can't bother with that now. I ran out of screen, and I have to go buy more. I really don't want to go back to the home store today.

I have lots of cleaning to do for tomorrow. We missed having our football draft party last year because John had a gig. Everyone asked about it and missed having it, so I made sure he blocked the date off the band calendar this year. The cat allergic cousin is coming over, so I feel a need to do some decent cleaning like vacuuming drapery and sofas. It's tiring and time-consuming and not so much fun, but I'll be glad I did it when it's done.

I get to go buy shoes later today. I have a big coupon for a pair of shoes I want. It's a good payoff for all the work I've been doing.

I have lots more things I want to do around the house, but I'll talk about those later. I'm already getting antsy sitting here instead of working, and I have to take advantage of those moods when I can.


I'm not keeping track, but I have gotten rid of things


One year ago
Wavering - Having to wave to neighbors gets me a little freaked out.


One Year Ago Today:


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