Everyone Should Get Winter Break
20 December, 2002 - 3:50 p.m.

Everyone Should Get Winter Break

This was the kids' last day of school until January 2nd. I'm jealous. I used to just dread the time, because I was stuck home with them while they grew bored of gifts, complained that their friends couldn't play because they all had two parents that worked, and fought with one another. Now I wish I had to worry about that for the three days I'll have to work while they're off. At least Christmas and New Year's fall on Wednesdays this year, because that means I get time off work.

The time I get off is paid too, except I don't know that that's just a good thing. I don't earn a whole lot of time off, since I don't work a ton of hours. I'm not sure I'll have enough time off built up to even take a vacation this summer, and we're not allowed to take the time off without pay. I realize they can't just let people take time off willy nilly, but I should be able to take at least a week's vacation. I can't use my time off as I like either. If I'm off, and have to paid time off accrued, I have to use it. For holidays, I get the time forwarded, even if I don't have enough accrued to cover all twenty hours. I'm rather irritated about that. If I want to take a holiday without pay, I should be allowed to do it. It's not like I have a choice to go in and work. I have to call HR and see if I might be able to take some unpaid vacation anyway. My boss would probably be OK with it as long as I let her know well in advance. Stupid job rules.

My boss is so very nice, and I really like working for her. She's one of the main reasons I've made it through all my feelings that I might not make it. She took me to lunch today, and I got to know her better, though I think I blabbed my fool head off most of the time. She found out way more about me than I did about her. I get that from those Smith genes on my grandma's side.

Anyway, I found out that my boss is a whole ten years older than I am! I would have guessed five or six, but not ten. She certainly doesn't look or act ten years older than me, not that she's immature for her age. I suppose it was my ease in relating to her that made me think she was closer to my age. That, and I feel a lot older lately.

After lunch I finally went and got my ID badge. The only reason I need the thing is so I can park in the university lots and not risk getting stuck for $15 at the parking garage. It takes me two hours of work to pay for parking at that rate, and who wants to do that? I tried getting an ID a few weeks ago, but they were out. How in the world can a university run out of ID badges? But they did, and I got nailed for the hefty $15 parking rate just this Monday too. Usually the attendant leaves about 6:30 or so, but the one on Monday stayed until after 7. He was a young thing, so maybe the old guy who used to be there just didn't stay as long as he should. Damn whippersnapper!

So this ID. Butt ugly. Oh good lord is it ugly! I look like a big, fat pig in that picture, and I thank God I don't have to wear the stupid badge all over the place. It would scare people with its ugliness. My big, fat face fills the whole square of picture space. And it made me wonder... do I really look that fat? I know I'm rather in denial over how fat I am, but sheesh. I swear I look like I weigh 100 pound more than I do. I can't wait to show it to John who said it couldn't be that bad. It's that bad. He will be swayed.

Since I had the lunch and then the ID badge errand, I wasn't able to make Booie's school party. It's not like I was slated to help anyway. I conveniently forgot to turn in the room parent form. I think it was my subconscious telling me I better not try to do something like that along with getting a job. So, thank you, subconscious. You were right.

Once I finally finish here, I'm taking the kids shopping for John once again. We tried to do it yesterday, but we were all getting pretty tired, and Booie's tummy hurt again. Did she ask me to go to the bathroom at the mall? No, she did not. Did she feel instantly better as soon as she got home and went? Yes, she did. The little booger. I was kind of glad to go home though, so I won't complain too much. It was a long day of shopping for me.

Tomorrow we're picking up John's mom for lunch, and then we're going to The Two Towers. We were going to go tonight, but it didn't work out for brother- and sister-in-law who are also going. Hammy is going along too while Booie and the four in-law girls stay with a sitter. We'll go to an afternoon show instead of an evening one, which is kind of nice, because I remember getting pretty darn tired when I saw Fellowship last year at the 10:00 show. I do kind of wish we were going tonight. I'm excited to see the next movie, but I can exercise my patience.

For some reason, I'm thinking of a million stupid things about which to write today. If only this would happen more often. It seems to come quite rarely anymore. It's about time I get my and my kids' asses to the store though.

One year ago
Hisssssss! - "I throw books and magazines across the room when I find a surprise snake slithering through their pages."


One Year Ago Today:


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