22 February, 2003 - 11:55 p.m.

I have a goal to write every day. It's easier said than done. Or not. It's pretty easy to do; I just don't do it. I don't carve out the time. Plus, my mind has been flaky lately, and I can't seem to concentrate long enough to make two sentences stick together.

Like right there. I dotted that period, and then stared into space for about fifteen seconds.

I wanted to get some books today, but I spent too much time in the craft store. This is the first time I've gone without a book in months. I should go dig another out of the box downstairs, but I really want something new. There's nothing quite like shopping for new books. That's half the fun, especially when I go out on a limb and choose something completely foreign, as in "unknown," not foreign as in "from another country." (I think I've been reading too much Lemony Snicket, defining my usage like that.) The other half of that fun is in finding out if the choice was a good one. I haven't randomly picked a really good one in a long time. My last random choice was For Better, For Worse, which was OK. I later found out it was a Kelly Ripa selection which kind of turned me off of it, even though I have nothing against Kelly Ripa.

John's mom is here tonight. FIL is away this weekend. Even if he were here, he would be away. He's been away for weeks, maybe months, or, sadly, years. It's hard to say how long. What isn't hard to say is that's he's completely confused and depressed. MIL is just waiting for him to figure out what the hell he's going to do. In the meantime, he ignores her a lot, and she suffers. While I know he's felt lonely and neglected by her, he's not handling things very well at this point. She needed to get away from it all, so she came here for a night.

We kept her busy all day. John and I are even pooped from all the activity. We went to lunch, visited Grandma, and then did some shopping. By the time we got home, it was dinnertime. MIL made potato pancakes after I speed-cleaned my embarrassingly disgusting kitchen. I also had to finish drying the bedding for Booie's bed where MIL was going to sleep. After eating, we divvied up the letters for scrapbooking we got earlier. That only took an hour, but we talked a lot, and I think all that busy and mindless chatter kept MIL from getting down for a while. It won't fix anything, but it was a good break.

I'm so tired, but I felt like I could actually write for once, so I did.

It's pouring outside. It started soon after we got home and hasn't quit. With all that snow melting and now this rain, there's going to be a lot of flooding.

President Bush is like a geek with too much power. He's got something to prove, and he's going to do it no matter what the cost. European support is so much more important than he cares to acknowledge. Hell, he doesn't even need the support of his own people. Will saying someone needs to smack some sense into the insecure, little weasel get me in trouble? I do mean that figuratively, of course.

John seems ready to sleep. I can probably use some of that myself. I wouldn't mind chatting with him a bit too. We've hardly talked today. Don't want to start that trend again.


One Year Ago Today:
Countdown to Heart Monitor Removal


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