Cheap fares or not...
22 November, 2000 - 8:51 AM

Cheap fares or not...

I think I'm going to stay home for Thanksgiving. I desperately want to go to Nebraska, but something about it just doesn't feel right. I'm going to follow my gut and not spend the money. I can put that money toward a more extended stay and maybe even go to Colorado to visit my parents there. I would like to see the mountains again.

I feel rather horrible getting my parents' hopes up (they are visiting in Nebraska for the holiday), but my mom did say she would understand if I didn't come out, since it would be such a short visit for a relative lot of money. I'm hoping maybe I can go out for Christmas or that maybe we can buy my mom a plane ticket to fly out here.

I wasn't particularly looking forward to telling Kay I was going to be in Nebraska and unable to visit her either. I used to be such a good liar, but I'm not anymore. I have a bloated conscience now; probably making up for all the lies I told when I was younger. I don't like even withholding the truth now. I will avoid a person at all costs, so I don't have to lie or not tell them something. Some things are just better not known. But damn, if it isn't hard to play dumb when you get a question directly addressing that which should not be known. I hate that. And I would have had to not tell Kay I was coming to Nebraska, or she would have had to stop by for a visit, and that creates all kinds of tension for my family, and I just wouldn't want to deal with that. My family just gets jealous. Even though I know it's their problem, I still try to avoid confronting the issue. It's not worth the headache it causes me. So now I don't have to worry about any of that.

I think it would be good if I at least prettied myself up a bit before I go out in public to pick L up from school. The white sweatpants do me no favors, and they look especially bad with my cute Timberland boots. Add an oversized t-shirt, hair in a little loop on my head and no makeup, and you have a complete package of frump. Yeah, that's the image I want to convey. Maybe that's why the dog isn't even sleeping by me this morning.

Today I got rid of:

White sweatpants (heh)
Piece of Styrofoam
Oatmeal container (saved for crafts)
Piece from a broken umbrella I thought I'd fix
Broken kid chair (just broke)
Two plastic flower pots
Some wrinkly wrapping paper

(Think I'm a packrat yet?)



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