Loving and Hating My Job
23 September, 2003 - 6:40 p.m.

Nothing to halt regular entries like going back to work. That's what I've done the past two days. Work. Well, I slept through most of orientation yesterday, but today, I worked. OK, I really didn't sleep through most of orientation, but that was only sheer force of will, and that certainly doesn't mean I absorbed any more than half of the information given, because I was so damn tired. I had to get up at five-freakin'-thirty in the morning! (Shutup you early birds! I hate you!) How could I pay attention to silly information about caustic materials and fire evacuation? Burning is probably about the worst way I can think to die, and I wanted sleep more than avoiding that kind of death. That's how tired I was.

Today I worked, because I'm an idiot and told my boss that I would help her on Tuesdays. So now I'm working four days a week instead of three. Plus, I have to go to a different location on Tuesday, though it's better than my regular location. Still, I would rather go to one location three days a week than two for four. I can't believe how nice I am. I just couldn't bear to think of my sweet, little boss going it alone on Tuesdays. Yep, I'm a big sucker.

But I'm a sucker who gets to wear scrubs to work now! Woo! There is nothing like getting up in the morning and not having to decide what to wear. My only decision was elastic or tie waist and regular top or snap-front top. All the same color blue, so I don't even have to figure that out. And I get to wear my running shoes to work too. No more sore feet from wearing dress shoes all day long. It's almost like being home wearing pajamas all day, except that I actually do things at work.

For the trade in ease of clothing, I have the headache of a whole lot of extra paperwork. When we finally get a secretary, that will ease up, but for now, I get to fill out a bajillion forms for each new patient, and since today was our very first day, all the patients are new. Fucking HIPAA.

I'm not done bitching. Everyone knows the problems of changing locations, right? Moving, man. It blows. You have to find new homes for everything, and try to find all the stuff you forgot to bring or haven't unpacked yet, which is pretty hard to do when you're off-site at one of three locations. So I spent some time scrounging from the clinic with which we share the space. It was near impossible to really organize things, since I have no containers. I didn't even have a damn highlighter. It just sucks to move.

I'm glad to be working again though. I already feel tons better than just a few days ago. I feel useful again. I am not liking this three days in a row business. I miss having my Tuesdays off, but it's better than stewing in my own funk seven days a week.


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