Looks Green to Me
25 February, 2002 - 12:04 p.m.

Looks Green to Me

I haven't heard anything from the doctor about my monitor readings or echocardiogram, so I'm going to assume that's good news. I mean, they'd call me right away if there were anything seriously wrong with me, right? Right. So I'm going to start running again today. I was so tired of being generally sedentary for the last two weeks that I even walked the dog while the heart monitor was still on. It's not like I was exerting myself. I think it was a little overly cautious to have me quit exercising because of a few heart palpitations, but the doctor was right; it didn't kill me.

Getting that tape and those leads off was fabulous. The itching practically disappeared as soon as the tech pulled the stuff off of me. I didn't even need to scratch myself silly in the car afterward. I did have some nice, red patches though which later got kind of bumpy, finally becoming dry and itchy again today. They are all in the exact square shape of the pads that adhered the leads to my chest, which leads me to believe that yes, I probably was allergic to the adhesive. Points to my mom and cousin for that call.

I managed to sufficiently cover the red marks (probably not the best idea), so I could wear the shirt I wanted to wear that night. I curled my hair all up again with my new spiral curler things, and it looked quite snazzy, if I do say so myself. Then it was on to pick up Girl Scout cookies that came in that night on my way to drop the kids.

John's band drew the first slot in the challenge, so they played at nine sharp. I had to hurry and leave the kids at my SIL's, since she wasn't going to see the band herself. I was worried I would have trouble finding the place since, I've never been to that part of town by myself, but I managed to remember how to get there, thanks to my good sense of direction and memory for landmarks. I just missed a free parking space because I saw it too late and had a car behind me that wouldn't budge when I stopped to try and back up. He didn't even take the spot! I settled for a five dollar parking spot right across the street from the place, so it was worth it, but I'm still miffed about the free spot.

John sat with me, and we talked for a while. He didn't seem nervous at all, just excited to be there. His parents arrived soon afterward, and the place was really full by the time the band took the stage.

They had a great response. I went up front during their performance and even danced a little to the last song. The crowd was loud and receptive, and the guys played a great show. I got compliments galore on my hair, so it was a nice night all around but cut short, because I had to leave.

My SIL has four kids of her own, so my two made for six total kids for her to manage for the night. I didn't want to leave her for any longer than necessary, since she was doing me a favor, so I left after visiting with John for a bit after their set. My MIL went with me, since she didn't want to be out late herself, so I dropped her off at home on my way back.

It's a good thing I didn't stay, because I was in bed before midnight. John came home around two, which is super-early for a band night. It was nice to have him home. I always hate going to bed alone.

Saturday was a really nice day too. John and I spent some time talking in the morning, which I always appreciate. I had to get up to get ready to go my SIL's Tupperware party at one. I'm not keen on those parties, even when I did them myself. I always feel obligated to buy stuff that I don't really want or need, but I actually found some useful stuff that won't go to waste. We could use more cereal bowls and plastic plates, since we run out a lot after so many were broken by nameless children. The party provided some interesting tension with some of the people that were there, and somehow, I managed to get private comments from both sides. Why they always try to draw me into those things is beyond me. I was kind of glad to get out of there, plus I just wanted to get back to my family.

John and Hammy thought they'd go see The Lord of the Rings that evening, since Hammy finally earned it through improving his schoolwork. Booie and I were going to have some dinner and poke around the mall next door, but the movie was sold out, so we all ended up spending the evening together, which was nice too.

After much begging and promising she could handle the pain, I broke down and let Booie get her ears pierced. She's been asking for months. As much as I wanted to do as my mom had done and forbid it, I couldn't. I know how badly I wanted mine pierced, finally doing it without permission. Boo proved to me how much she wanted it, so I let her do it. I thought she might back out as she walked into the store and thought about it, but the woman was super-nice and made sure Booie was comfortable and aware. She let Booie hold a big teddy bear who also had his ears pierced, showed her all the equipment, briefed her on everything that would happen and how it would feel and talked to her the whole time. She did a fantastic job, and Booie didn't even make a peep when the earrings went in. She went to see how they looked right away, and I couldn't have gotten that smile off her face if I slapped her. As I paid, Booie looked at magazines and said, "Mommy, Pink has her ears pierced too." "Yes, she does," I answered, thinking in the back of my mind, Please don't grow up to be Pink.

John and Hammy had busied themselves at the game stores while we did the ear piercing. John bought a new video card for our computer, since the geek game he and I have been playing keeps locking up from our Neolithic card. Hammy bought The Sims, and we all went home happy and ready to vege out on computers all night long, which we did.

Sunday was a sleep-late morning, then John had his fantasy baseball draft, so I went to the store. For some reason, I always buy new pajamas for vacation, and this year wasn't going to be any different. I have to be conservative enough in my selection that I can wear the jammies in front of everyone when I'm too lazy or hungover in the morning to change before I mainline my first cup of coffee. Hopefully this year, I won't be doing any coffee, since I've been off the caffeine for over two weeks now, but I don't see the laziness or hangover factor changing. In fact, these jammies better be extra comfy and presentable, because I might not be able to wrangle myself out of them until two in the afternoon without caffeine.

I found a cute pair with a plain aqua t-shirt and gingham shorts. I also bought a matching tank top (with built-in bra thing for more presentability) to match, and it all looks great on me, especially with my hair color. Finding a bra was not nearly as successful, and it looks like I will again resort to catalogue shopping for that.

I almost always buy a few new things to wear on vacation, and this is the time I start thinking about that. It pulls me out of the winter funk somewhat, and gives me something more to look forward to. It makes vacation a little more tangible. This year though, I expect to be quite a bit thinner by May, so I hesitate to order anything at all right now. Who knows what size I'll be? It's hard to predict. At the rate I'm going, it will be significantly smaller, but I don't plan on keeping up this pace, as great as it is. Right now, I'm satisfied to gaze at cute clothes in smaller sizes and hope I can wear them and get them in time for vacation.

After the jammie shopping, I stopped by the craft store to see about getting a sticker maker for scrapbooking. I found it and want it but decided to wait for another 40% off coupon to come out, since the thing cost $50.

John and Hammy headed out to see the movie not long after I got home, so I spent most of the evening alone with Booie. She cleaned her room, while I hunted for, and finally found, her Brownie vest that was MIA for at least three weeks. Then I did a little tidying up myself, and discovered that yes, we do still have a coffee table. I'm still not so sure about a dining room table.

Once the kids were in bed, John and I settled down to watch the closing ceremonies of the Olympics. I had an unexplained case of the itchies and scratched myself all evening and into bed. I think John gave me cooties.

I thought about running all weekend, but I didn't do it. I was having too nice of a time doing boring family things. So I'll run today. I'm already excited about it but still find myself avoiding taking that first step. Some things never change.


Lots of scattered packing peanuts
Miscellaneous junk on Booie's floor
Playstation cheat sheets



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