For Dog's Sake
26 October, 2000 - 19:18:45

I don't get anything done because of the dog. Pathetic, I know. It's true though. It's such a pain in the ass to kennel the dog to go do laundry or dishes or anything. I always want to do those things when she's being Little Miss Sweetie too. She's lying like an angel at my feet right now. The whites� they're in the dryer getting wrinkly. I have lots of laundry to do. I have to wash Booie's stinky pee-soaked bedding. I can't do that with this dog being all cute. She doesn't like being outside in the new, non-digging location by herself either. Tried it.

I assume people would think that makes me a dog person, but I don't think it does. It makes me a sucker. It makes me a procrastinator. It makes me a cat person.

Cats don't give a shit what you do. They're quite happy when you leave the room. They're very happy when you do laundry, because that means fresh smelling clothes to lie on and shed on. They would love to be outside by themselves, and sure as hell wouldn't whine and yelp and act like a Tasmanian devil. On the few occasions Asia has gotten outside, he does all he can to avoid me. As long as he's fed, he is one happy cat. Asia and Biddy are probably more social than most cats, but they don't even rate with dogs.

Cats don't need baths either. They don't stink. This dog stinks. I read all this stuff saying huskies don't really smell. Of course, our dog has to take on the stinkiness of whatever other breed(s) she is. She can't be husky in that respect. She can dig and run and everything else like a husky; things I'd rather she not do, but she can't be non-stinky like a husky. I have to give the stupid dog a bath. Ugh.

I'm sounding like the dog now. Whining. It's just time I did what I have to do, dog or no dog. Hammy needs underwear. I need socks. Booie needs bedding.



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