Time Change
28 February, 2001 - 6:02 PM

Time Change

I've come up with a new system to help me get things done better. Since I have a bad habit of getting right on the computer and wasting the day away, I'm going to use computer time as my reward system. I tried to tell myself that I couldn't get on the computer until I'd done some kind of work, but then I would do one thing and get right on. Nothing else would get done, and I wouldn't feel like I cheated. I'm so bad about taking advantage of loopholes, even in my own systems.

I decided that rather than just give myself free reign on the computer once I've done some work, I will give myself ten minutes. If I do a job, I get ten minutes. A few jobs will get more and a few less, but ten minutes seems to be the best plan for now. I give myself ten minutes for doing something good for myself as well, like exercising. So far, I'm working like a bee, and I earned 60 minutes already. Yes, that does only mean I've done six things, but laundry takes time as does working out and walking the dog.

The plan is working well so far. I've done quite a bit, and I have over an hour of time. The key will be to keep up with it and not allow myself to slack. I can't have any leeway with this, because I will take advantage of myself. That is about the worst situation there is. There is no one worse on this earth at taking advantage of me than myself. Sad, but true.

I did exercise today which earned me another ten. Most of all, that earns me a little more health. I just got around to working out again. It only took me four days, but at least I did it. Maybe with the added incentive, I'll do it more.

Something else that will help my weight loss cause is giving up candy for Lent. I could be really brave and give up all sweets, but I think I would rather lop off a finger than do that. I don't have a big incentive not to cheat, since I'm not of a religion that must confess sins. But then again, I have a whole different perspective on the sin thing anyway, which I won't go into now.

I'm giving up just candy, because that will be plenty hard for me to do. I almost popped a Tootsie Pop in my mouth just today while cleaning out the candy basket. (That's what I got rid of today, by the way. See, I am still doing it.) I wanted candy while at Target too, because my very favoritist Easter candy was there--Brach's chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies. I could have downed a package of Snickers eggs in a matter of minutes too, because I love them almost as much as the bunnies. It's going to be a long haul to Easter, let me tell you.

We will be spending Easter in Nebraska. I bought our plane tickets yesterday, so we can attend my grandma's 80th birthday party the day before Easter. Since it would be a bit difficult to get back home in time for the Easter bunny to do his thing, we will have to stay there. The logistics of that will be an absolute nightmare, but we survived the first Easter here when we didn't even have furniture yet, so we can do that.

This will be the kids' first flight, and we're all looking forward to that. j is so excited he can hardly contain himself. I was lucky enough to get a great fare on Midwest Express, which means we will be able to fly in relative comfort. I am also lucky enough to have fabulous parents who sent me a ton-o-cash to pay for almost the entire cost for all four tickets. I don't know what good I've done in my life to receive so many great things from so many people. Maybe I'm not the awful slacker I thought.

I've been a bit spare on words lately. It's not for lack of subject matter. I still have the running dialogue in my head at all times, but whenever I sit down to write some of it, I go blank. I keep writing down the subjects, hoping I will come up with a way to talk about them. It's probably just a matter of time.



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