Decisions, Decisions
28 October, 2002 - 1:03 p.m.

Decisions, Decisions

I got my first call about a job. Of course, I�ve only sent out one resume, so I couldn�t expect more than one call. I am one for one though, which feels good but a little nerve-wracking. The call made this job thing all the more real.

Now I�m faced with my first decision. I made the mistake of not specifying what kind of hours I would like to work when I sent my cover letter. The ad in the paper listed full time positions, so I naturally assumed any calls I received would be about full time positions. That wasn�t the case. This is a part time position, a very part time position, as in eight hours a week part time. That�s not a whole lot of hours, and though I am looking to make a nice transition, that seems an extremely small step. Or maybe it is exactly what I should be doing. I don�t really know. I�m also assuming I got the job in the first place. I haven�t even called back to schedule an interview. I suppose that would be a likely thing to do rather than trying to make up my mind right now.

This situation did alert me to my first mistake, sending out only one resume. I�m not fond of the idea of accepting a position immediately without having explored all my options. There are other interesting positions out there that might be better suited to my wants. Or maybe there aren�t. Now I have the pressure of this opportunity. Even if I take my time to get an interview, and then get an offer, I probably won�t have enough time to investigate other possibilities. I want to kick myself.

I�m making a mad rush today to send out more resumes and inquire about a position through a friend. I�ll call about getting an interview after I have those things done or by the end of the day, whichever comes first. I can�t allow myself to put this off any longer, and waiting for my friend to get back to me would be the perfect opportunity for procrastination.

I�m honestly a little shocked I got a call so quickly. John told me my reaction was cute and kept joking about how in demand I am. I really didn�t believe anyone would be interested in me, so when someone was, I was smacked with the reality of really working. It�s something that I only partially considered, because I expected to be rejected. I just keep thinking, Wow! Now what?

All the worries about schedules and kids� activities and car arrangements just became real. Booie�s home sick today. How will I handle that if I�m working? I know it�s my natural inclination to find so many obstacles that I excuse myself into inertia. I have to be careful that I don�t actually do it this time like I have so many times before. I�m writing new cover letters in between paragraphs here. I sent out an email to my friend. I printed out resumes. Now I just have to finish up and send this stuff off. Then I will make the call back to set up an interview. It knots my stomach to think of it.

I have to have everything done by 4:30. I�m going on a kayak tour tonight, and I have to leave by then. Hopefully the kayaking will take my mind off all these worries since I�ll be worrying about drowning and getting lost on a river current in the earlier dark.


One year ago


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