Never Say Never
29 June, 2003 - 11:15 a.m.

We've owned our truck for seven years. For 6.99 of those years, I have vowed never to own a black vehicle again. My favorite way of conveying my unhappiness with a black car was, "I don't like a car I have to dust," though I never have actually dusted the thing. Hell, it's lucky if it gets washed at this point in its life, regardless of the fact that a bunch of stupid mourning doves like to perch on the wires running over the driveway and shit all over our truck. Have any idea what bird shit does to black paint after a while? It's like it never really went away. It etches itself into the paint. Lazy people like me just shouldn't have black cars.

You already know where this is leading right? We went car shopping yesterday. I vowed never to have a black car again. Guess what we're picking up tomorrow?

We went down to another Honda dealer yesterday to see their selection of used cars. We still weren't (well, really I wasn't) so sure I wanted to spend the money on a new car. We figured they would have just as many new models as the other place, plus there was an internet special on some of them. I didn't care for any of the used cars for the same reason as yesterday, too much money for something two years old when I could have new for cheaper with the special financing. So we looked at the internet specials. The one we really liked, in the nifty dark blue metallic, sold right from under our noses. I test drove something else, wishing we hadn't stopped for lunch before we looked at cars. After griping at John for a couple minutes, we decided to go ahead and get a new Civic EX. (That link takes you where you can click on the different colors of cars, so you can see the red one I wanted, the blue one I missed, and what I ended up getting. If you like playing with that sort of thing like I do.) The only two left on the lot were the two internet specials, each with about 5000 miles on them. One was black. The other was white.

If there's any color I like less than black on a car, it's white. Or maybe that nasty Galapagos Green they have. It might not look so bad on their site, but it's just barfy in person, and I generally like the color green. So I had a choice... get the great price on a black car that had quite a few extra features on it too, wait a whole month for the color I wanted, or go to the other dealer and settle for the Shoreline Mist, which appears to be right near the color everyone and their dog chooses for a vehicle these days. We're picking up our new, black Civic tomorrow evening.

I could have driven it off the lot right then had our insurance agent been around. When we got the truck, we were able to take it home that day, and we hadn't even completed all the paperwork yet. Maybe Nebraska is different now too (it has been seven years), but Pennsylvania requires insurance verification before you can take a car home. Since most insurance places aren't open on Saturdays, you don't get to have your new car until Monday. We even tried finding our agent's home number since we happen to know him personally, but I had our digital camera in my purse instead of my Handspring. Silly me. So I have to wait another whole day to get my car. That means another day of bus-riding tomorrow, but I'll get some more reading done that way, and it's only one way. John will pick me up after work to go get the car.

I got this car all by my lonesome too. I filled out the application all by myself, like a big girl. It will be my name on the loan, and my name on the title when we finally get it. Let John have his stinking, old 4Runner. I have the new car. OK, I still absolutely love my 4Runner, but it is nice to own my very own car. Since I wasn't on the loan for the truck due to my bankruptcy still being on my credit record, this is my first real new car purchase. It's like I'm adult or something.


One Year Ago Today:
What If (from two years ago)


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