Four, Five, Six...
31 October, 2000 - 11:58 AM

Happy Halloween!

I'm just crazy-busy today hoping to give my own children good memories of their elementary school years. I only really remember a couple of my own school parties, and it was always the games that made them memorable. We're doing the same stuff for my own kids. Some things don't change.

Thank goodness nothing much happened in the three years I spent on the upper floor in elementary school. I just don't have time for more. It's not too interesting, but it's part of the friend mini-series I'm doing.

Fourth grade separated Tauni and me into different classes, and that's a pretty important factor in grade school. We did stay friends though, even when she moved away. We wrote one another until only a few years ago when I never heard back from her. I became friends with a girl named Rachel who also lived down the street from me. I thought Rachel was pretty cool and pretty, and she got to wear high heel shoes, which she would trade with me at school. Her coolness ended up taking her beyond me, and we drifted apart. Eddie and I were still good friends and held competitions on who could finish math papers the fastest. He was as smart as I was. Smart kids stick together so they don't get flack every time they do something better.

Fifth and sixth grade were the Kristi years. Tauni and Eddie moved away. I was still friends with Rachel in fifth grade too, but Kristi was my good friend. Then Donna came into the picture, and another threesome developed. The best friend status would switch back and forth between us whenever one person would do something to upset another. Kristi and I had time on our side, and it eventually proved to bond us closer. She later moved after seventh grade, and we wrote for a long time until I was a putz and lost touch. I miss her.



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