Seven, Eight, Nine...
1 November, 2000 - 1:02 PM

I don't know why I'm still doing this. Probably because I already wrote it all out, and I'm lazy and don't want to write something new. My fingers are blue, and it's hard to type when you're sitting on your hands. So I'll continue the torture.

Seventh grade was the worst year of my life. I know it's that way for a lot of kids, but I was not only going to a new school, I was almost like a new kid all over again. Many of my friends moved away or were older than me and wanted nothing to do with me in junior high school. Kristi and I maintained our friendship and had two classes together. Donna was still a problem at times, and we still had the little threesome thing going once in a while.

Eighth grade found me without my best friend, so I had to get closer to some of the new people I'd met the prior year. Yet another threesome came into my life, but this one worked surprisingly well. Carla, Sue and I all got along and never had the problems most threesomes have. I wonder if it's because I was the one around which the friendship rotated, and I just didn't see the problems. Or maybe we really did just get along that well.

That friendship went into the ninth grade as well, where I also became best friends with Sheri. We had the same interests, same dreams and both worshiped Duran Duran. There is nothing like having a common idol. We had to like different members of the band, of course. We couldn't have the same dream boyfriend. Sheri was also a part of the group. This was what I remember being the best friendship year of my life. This is how it's supposed to be.



One Year Ago Today:


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